How tall r u?


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lol, if i wasnt tall then id b fat. so im happy and sad that im tall.
I've seen pics of you- you aren't fat!

Lol, I'm really small and like a human stick insect. :p

Me be giant. I'm gonna be 12 in November and I'm a WHOPPING 4'4.


At least I get loads of attention when I start a new school for being cute XP

I'm 14 and I'm uhh 4 ft and 9 inches.. I know! I'm super short! And I really look like I'm 8 years old! :p

not that I am eight...

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I'm about 5 foot 5 inches. In my sneakers though, I'm 5'6 and 1 eighth. I'm only 13 too (Well, in 1 week I'm 13. But who's counting?) I swear, EVERYONE that knows my parents will walk up to me and say, "My you've gotten tall Kelsey." or "Wow, you are so tall!"

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