How to Be a Cat


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Well-known member
Aug 31, 2010
Reaction score
Fairyland, Utopia
Teach those silly people how to be a cat.

All you have to do is this:

1) Meow wen peepoles r talkin an lok at dem wif adorble iyes

You may add as many as you like. You can add 2 or 3, but the max is 5 for other people to get a chance.

Okay, let me start... but you have to talk like a lolcat

2) Wen peepoles mak u ANGREH, u hiss at dem repeetatly unteel dey apoligize

3) if u sleep in ur humanz bed, stretch out a cova da whole thing so ur human is clinging to da edge

4) wait till ur human has a impoortant peerson ova or a lot of peeple ova and then fill the area out side tha litta box with the biggest nastiest whoopsie eva!

5) U get awl angry-liek wen hoomanz dress u up in costume. Kitty no liekz costume.

6) Wach dem hoomanz frum da ceelin vent.

7] fynd 6 ded micie and put in peepolez dinnnner. u no giv me tuna i find ded micie 4 u and iit al ur tunaz and turki

8] No peting unles i asking. Me no lyk frendlies

9) Tip ova ur litta box when it's full and ur hyooman doesnt clean it, if its all ova the floor dey will clean it garentead

10) when u get tired of ur tois and ur hooman buys you a new one, act like you hait it and den when they try evereh singl toi on da market, act like u luv one of dem and play with it all day. ur hooman will probally buy lots of extentionz to it and den act like its stoopid and boring. Do this with f00d 2!

12) U distrakt hoomanz wen thay haz cheezburger so u can haz cheezburger.

13) Bee sooper fussee wit f00d so hoomanz keep byin moar!

LoL 101 ways to love ur cat! Anyways...

17) always try and fit into every box you may find and lie in it Nyah Knyee!!!!

18) (optional) if no one is watching you bark at the mailman without him watching. If someone spots you, quickly start meowing again!:3 WoofWoof Meow? (youtube search = cat barking caught and starts meowing again)

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