How to Debug a Tamagotchi v5


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Yeah, I got two v5's debugged. Takes a good 20-30 minutes for me to get it all done and make sure everything works. I ended up going out and buying "Helping Hands" with a Magnifier attached to it so it could hold the board in place and all of that. Definitely recommended (if not crucial) for this job.

Yes, you can. I have two that are debugged and are working fine. The only difference besides the layouts are a bit switched around on the PCB are the jumpers which control what region the Tamagotchi is from. Changing the jumpers will change the specific access codes you receive on TamaTown. There is a thread on Tama-Zone where Binary documented all this. Go to this link, , to find out more. It can and has been done, multiple times. If a video of me personally doing it is necessary then by all means, lol. (I was going to make a video demonstrating how hard it actually is to do it but I haven't had the time. Plus, I need to buy another V5 to do it on.

EDIT: Isn't BG93's video of him personally doing this enough to convince you? The debug screens show up in Japanese, well the selecting the Generation and how many characters you want on screen. :eek:

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:( hm.. it was interesting.. yes.. but.. i dont think i EVER wanna risk debugging it.. that one person was right too..bandai IS making it harder to debug the tamas.. and that is kind of a good thing.. i myself.. grew up with tamagotchis.. i am now 21.. and i own the V5.. i dont think ill EVER risk debugging my tama.. even that dude on the video was having a hard time with the roof part of it.. lol, and he also broke the sound wire.. plus.. tamas cost too much to risk breaking... even though i now see the V4.5s and past ones at $10 now.. so yeah.. if you wanna debug em.. go for it! lol... as for me.. ill just enjoy watching the process.. it IS interesting to see what it looks like on the inside.. now.. i just wish i could see how they make em.. step-by-step... :wacko:
It's not impossible, if you ever took a shop/electronics class and made a strobe light or something stupid you should be able to handle it without being 13 like that kid and using tape, lol.

i just debuged it and i broke my tamagotchi

so i need to get a new one.

Are you sure that you BROKE your tama, oomar123? Is it in hyperspeed nonstop, or is it really broken with the screen blank and everything? One time I debuged my sisters v4 and it was pooping all over and I couldn't stop it. She got so mad at me until I figured out that you could erase the pencil marks on the debug button, even though v5s don't have a debug button. (I think...)

are you actually doing it right with a soldering iron and whatnot?

EDIT: my AIM and things are in my profile, so you can message me on there for help.

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ok i understand but i cant watch the video can you send it to me in pics and ps what wire do i use and can i use tape :huh: :(

hate to say this but i won't watch ur videos cos i hate debugging tama's it is just mean!! and besides there is a 100% chance it could break ur tama 4EVA!! :wacko: :furawatchi: :lol: B) :) :ichigotchi: :kuribotchi: :pochitchi:

"i just debuged it and i broke my tamagotchi so i need to get a new one."
Next time, just be more careful or get someone who's really good at putting things on debug mode. I know you can do it! :lol:

I dont know how to saughter (excuse the spelling lol) so can I use wire and tape? also, could I use just a paper clip? :eek: :D :mellow:

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