how to get ichigotchi


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Well-known member
Jun 17, 2006
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Hi, i´m wondering how to get ichigotchi :)

i do often get young memetchi instead of her what kind of skill points do i have to have to get her :) :)

Sorry, but there is no way to decide what Teen you get :angry: . So far, no one has found a way to get certain Teens with certain skill points :angry: .

:D GG :huh:

Gig1i, you reaally might want to check around this place for growth charts, and etc. You will find some useful answers just laying there.

Just take a look at this Growth Chart >>Here<<


Oh, yeah Gozarutchi Guy you can actually play certain games, feed your tamagotchi certain foods, and work/school at certain places to earn skill points.

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That is not true somebody may know
I know how to! to get it you nees a female mizutamatchi (to get mizu you need to have low skill points!) then, raise your kindness points up high so you have the most of it out of smart points and style points! then your tamagotchi will evolve into ichigotchi!

If its V4

Toddlers and Teens are a random evolution. Certain teens branch from certain toddlers but in that realm of possibility its random as well as to which one you will get. The same goes for young adults, you cant control what you get up to it. It just goes with its branch. The young adult phase is the phase where you get your choice of where you want to go from where you are currently standing.

As to point allocations, considering that both mimic and jump rope are random allocations to whichever stat, no one can be expected to direct them into a desired place. So why would the developers expect you to put it into one or the other to determine your outcome? You're given that choice in your young adult phase when the additional 3 games that are unlocked. Like the other day, I raised two almost exactly alike and got two different results. This includes feeding, naming, care given, point allocations ect. Went on to raise 11 more in various ways, getting the same results in two totally different methods of raising.

In the end, its completely random. People have thoughts and assumptions on how to do it but those thoughts are just myths, horseshoes, and security blankets. If you don't get the one you want just reset or play it through so you don't lose your items

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