How to make your posts colorful.


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Well-known member
Aug 10, 2005
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Ive seen enough times people trying to use guided text and make it red, or blue or big or something, and cant do it. i got to thinking *man is wish someone would help them. wait, i can do that!* so anyway, i'm going to teach you to do it.

Were gonna do it really simple. 1st, open up a seperate tamtalk, reply to this topic. now we get to the fun part.

type in "Hi, i can use guided text mode"

next, highlight all of it. lets do everything. click on the bold "b". a window should pop up. type in what you are trying to make bold. now its bold(although it will not look bold until you post it.) now highlight just the text, not the coding making it bold will put there. now click italic. repeat again to make it underlined.

dont worry, that was the hard part. now highlight the text again. click on the font impact off of the little scroll down screen. it will input code, but you wont have to type anything in a window. highlight again to make it large(off the size menu", and again to make it red(in color)

just so that you know if you did it right, post your result and it should look like this.

[SIZE=14pt]Hi, I can use guided text mode[/SIZE]

remember that you dont have to do all of these things, just the ones you want. experiment with all the different font sizes, colors, and combinations

i have more to say.

lets make a link.

click on https://

type in in the box

type in link in the next one.

it should be this. link

puttin in an image you just click img and type the url and the link.

to enter an email click the @ and type the email.

[email protected]that's mine.

to quote you just copy/paste or type the quote after clicking quote.

and to put in code just click code and type it in the box. i'm not sure what its good 4 though... someone below me if you know reply.

monkey craze now
also to make a list with the bullets click list and type in a series of phrases or words and leave blank and press enter to stop

  • yay
  • 4
  • bullets
  • !
hope this helps! :D

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by the way admin could you pin this? that way people could get to the info easier and it wouldnt be pushed back to say, the 27th page where no one would see it. Thanks.

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and if any1 knows what coding is good for and what close all tags does it would make this a better guide.

1st, the quotes were just to show you what to put. second, remember, you have to highlight the text you want to make different or pretty, however you like to look at it.

once again i state that i dont know what thats good for. but it looks cool!


Im testing if i can change what it says at the top!

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