how to make your tamagotchi glow in the dark!


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I like it because at night, if i cant sleep i wake up my tama but sometimes i cant find it but with this its really easy cause it glows!!! (either i cant sleep or i have a late bed goer tama but ive been sent to bed!)

don't use nail polish or paint because it will peel off the original paint and sometimes it completely ruins the tamagotchi

i'm always happy to help so personal message me if you need help :D :( :furawatchi: :D :furawatchi:

check this out!Get any tamagotchi doesn't matter what version but it can't be glow in the can use:

Glow in the dark stickers, glow in the dark nail polish,glow in the dark paint and loads of other stuff.

~Girl~ ^_^
Cool!!! Thanks!!! :wub: But ny v4 has a GLOW-IN-THE-DARK. I could put that in my v3.

check this out!Get any tamagotchi doesn't matter what version but it can't be glow in the can use:

Glow in the dark stickers, glow in the dark nail polish,glow in the dark paint and loads of other stuff.

~Girl~ :kuribotchi:
that is really cool!

:kuribotchi: :nyatchi:

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You should go get a glow-in-the-dark v4 instead of getting stickers for it!!!

Hey here's an idea....

if you have a tamagotchi that already glows in da dark just put the stickers on the back! lol :( :D :angry:

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don't use nail polish or paint because it will peel off the original paint and sometimes it completely ruins the tamagotchi

i'm always happy to help so personal message me if you need help :( :wacko: :( :angry: :(
thats exactly true!!! if u want sumthin that glows in tthe dark

then get the glow in the dark version 4 tama! duh?!

also, stickers like to fall off and its a waste and it doesn't glow all the time,

there is no such thing as glow in the dark nail polisher and its anywayz

peels off you tama design cauz i did it before!

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