How to play Bump?


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Well-known member
Jan 15, 2005
Reaction score
What do you do to play bump and how does it work?

To play bump, follow these simple steps.

Your tamagotchi will meet his opponate and they will both contiously look at the screen about 3 times.

While they are doing this keep pressing button B ( the middle one ) until the bar comes up.

Try to get the bar as full as possible.

Once you have got rid of the bar, the characters will bump eachother several times.

When they have bumped eachother 9 times, one of the characters will bump the other one down.

If you succed you will go to the next round - there are 8 rounds in total. If you win all of the rounds. You will be champion. 200p - 400p depending on weight for version 2, and 600p - 2400p on version 3 :angry:

Hope this helps :unsure:

- Fooet

To play bump, follow these simple steps.
Your tamagotchi will meet his opponate and they will both contiously look at the screen about 3 times.

While they are doing this keep pressing button B ( the middle one ) until the bar comes up.

Try to get the bar as full as possible.

Once you have got rid of the bar, the characters will bump eachother several times.

When they have bumped eachother 9 times, one of the characters will bump the other one down.

If you succed you will go to the next round - there are 8 rounds in total. If you win all of the rounds. You will be champion. 200p - 400p depending on weight for version 2, and 600p - 2400p on version 3 :angry:

Hope this helps :unsure:

- Fooet
so you mean you only have to press ( :) in the beginning when the bar is there?

i think i get it to, the rule book says to press B to determine ur strength BEFORE u meet ur opponent. :unsure:

So is it the lower the bar is the more likely the chances of winning? i can never win when the black bit is full..

Full power bar doesn't guarantee winning - but if you Tama weights 99lb, it is more likely to win, but it gets only 600 points if it wins, as can you get up to 2400 points if your Tamas weight is low.

im not sure... but that is true.... if u weigh 99 dont waste u time for 600 points... im still not complely sure how the games works and im not sure anyone REALLY does.... i think they should have just made a new game...i like the (Get) gam3!

Hehe all of these games are new for me - i only used to have hurdles and dance (Connexion V2) :furawatchi:

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