How to play this Tama game ?


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Dec 25, 2005
Reaction score

we have a Tamagothi connexion v2 :( and like to know what do do at the following game.

The description says :

"PUSH GAME: Press button ( B ) to stop the bar. The lenght of the bar determines the power level."

What do do here to win?

Is there a strategy?

Any hints and tips ?

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Okay. Though I have version 1 and am babysitting another version 1 and do not have a version 2, I do have experience with version 2.

It's called Bump on Connexion version 2, in case you wanted to know.

What you do is select 'Bump' or 'Push' from the Game menu. (Well duh, you may be thinking!)

Then, after 'Round 1' shows on the screen the Tamagotchis get ready for bumping/pushing.

'Push!' will appear on the screen. Push ( :( . A black line will move across the screen. Push ( :furawatchi: again when the black line is at its longest. The Tamagotchis will then bump/push each other. If you win round 1, you advance onto round 2. Repeat the directions until your Tamagotchi gets bumped/pushed over. If you lose round 1 though you will get 5 points (Tamapoints or Gotchipoints for you, just points for Connexion) and 'OK' will appear. My friends have gotten up to round 8. How far can you go?

One of my friends say that they win if they don't look. Others say you need to repeatedly tap B. See if you can find a way to win easily!

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