how to tack of screw off a tamagotchi


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Well-known member
Jul 7, 2010
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ok what i used to tack of the screws was oil and butter but butter worked better

oh and i also whant to ask if someone has an extra tamagotchi id cover because i need the back part of the tamagotchi

Id Cover for the back part... For temporary you could use a thinner peice of cardboard and tape it to it. Or just use duct tape... And if you are worried about it being sticky... You can use Blue Painters tape... They also make Delicate Surface Blue Painters tape.... I'm fairly sure they make other colors too.

You might be able to use one of the backs off a Tama-Go... But I don't own one... ETC... So ya.

"tack off"? do you mean take off? there's actually already another thread for this too.

I wouldn't put food items on your Tamagotchi.

No other Tamagotchi has a shell shaped like the Tamagotchi-iD's.

Why do you need a new Tamagotchi-iD cover?

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