How To Vent Anger


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Feb 29, 2008
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I have a lot of anger issues (ugh, why am I telling you people this? WAIT! IT'S BECAUSE I TRUST YOU!!!). I need some advice on how to relax in a stressed situation. :D

The only two ways that help me so far is by reading...and howling. Yes...howling. Like a wolf. I sound so much like one, and I'm good at howling certain songs I like. One neighbor even called up and said she heard my howling and thought it was BEAUTIFUL. :(

Wow, that's a complement you don't hear everyday...unless you're saying it about a wolf or a dog... :mellow:

But onto the really nitty gritty, I get VERY MAD when people annoy me. Even getting a problem wrong in a group thing bugs me...(go ask a guy in my reading class, he'll tell ya)...Well, I wanna stop cussing and getting mad at people, but it's just not working since ya can't just pick up a book ad read it in the middle of class or in the hallway. And you certainly don't howl at school unless ya wanna get real weird looks from everyone. SO HELP ME PLEASE!!! :(

~BerryTama :p :lol:


take a red pen and scribble on some paper.


close your eyes and draw something


try to rip a straw


rip up some paper


try keeping a journal




make a sock ball and throw it at your wall


walk outside barefoot


sing really loudly to a song oyu like [screaming is okay too]


think about what made you mad. then write a story about it.

well, that stuff usually works for me. hope it does for you.

Me and my husband have fights (like any normal couple) and when I am to the point where I just want to scream at him, I walk away. Seriously, if you are in school and something is really pissing you off, tell the teacher you need to go calm down for a minute (the teacher will understand, they teach thousands of kids over the years) and walk out of the room or over to the side of the classroom and just hum a tune or think about what your plans for after school are (or if you are at home, think about what you are going to do tomarrow) just get your mind off the situation. To make a situation better, it is best to remove yourself FROM the situation for a short time. While your away from the situation, think about something completely unrelated to what you are mad about and pick something that is going to take all your attention. When we fight, I think about what I am going to do the next day (ex: After me and the baby get up, we eat, change the diaper, then we might go down to the coffee shop to get a mocha, maybe after his nap we will head out to my moms to visit, maybe go pay a bill or two, etc.) because it is a bunch of different things I am thinking about but they are all related to the same topic....what I am doing tomarrow.

Another thing that helps, like the other person said, is the sock ball lol I have a tendancy to want to throw things when I am mad. Over the years I have learned to control it but when I DO get THAT mad, I throw my sock ball lol I even drew all over it XD It has evil eyes and little pulsing veins drawn on its forehead and match the mood! So yeah, the sock ball works great...hope these things help!

I think the counting to ten often works.

When you feel yourself boiling with anger, instead of taking it out on someone, just try and gulp it down.

Stop yourself just in time, and think if it is really necessary to yell. Try and take a bird-view on the problem, if you look at the reason why you are getting cross you will realise it isn't such a great thing and not worth it. ^_^

But yet, I cannot really give very good advice. I am a very calm person, and I have only gotten very angry and exploded once in my life; and I did not curse nor say anything too great then. Now I just shut my eyes and think of something relaxing if something annoys me.

Another option that may work - "visualizing the problem".

It sounds very psychological and all, but actually these things work if you are good at imagining things.

Some day when going to sleep, just imagine yourself in the situation where you are going to get angry, and practice feeling calm and not manifesting the angry feeling.

If not, I like the idea of scrunching paper up by blue♥slip. ^_^

1.)take a red pen and scribble on some paper.


close your eyes and draw something


try to rip a straw


rip up some paper


try keeping a journal




make a sock ball and throw it at your wall


walk outside barefoot


sing really loudly to a song oyu like [screaming is okay too]


think about what made you mad. then write a story about it.

well, that stuff usually works for me. hope it does for you.
all htose work for me too. they're good idea's

Stop and breathe in deeply from the bottom of of your tummy once, twice, etc. It's relaxes the body.

Then ask yourself why you are mad. Sometimes we get so into just being mad we forget why we are mad and that it's really not even worth the fight.

I keep a journal and it helps when I'm sad or angry. Just put into writing all those emotions it'll relieve you of a lot of them.

What I do its go on Miscrosoft word and write something mean or what I wish to say to the person I am mad at, then after im done (Or when im not angry anymore) I exit and click "Do not save" it helps Alot for for me.

I also like to Howl like a wolf when im mad.

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When I'm mad - I know people aren't supposed to do this, it turns into resentment- I pretend that I'm just shoveling dirt on it, burying my anger. Usually works, otherwise, I had a sock ball, my dog ate it. >_<"

Sometimes sitting outside- or somewhere where its cold and where you're alone helps.

1) Meditate, it is chic and calming, and really works! Sometimes relaxing music or Enya music in the backround makes it work even better!

2) Do something you love to do :D

3) Watch TV while eating a fave food!

4) Stress ball and/or punch bag...kaaapow!

5) [Maybe]...voodoo doll :mellow: Just kidding

6) Call a BFF, BF, or GF.

7) Don't rip up paper: it's wasteful! (Maybe if you're intensely angry it's okay...but recycle them afterward!!!)

8) Listen to the radio and dance your worries away


The sock ball I must admit, helps. :p

I got mad again today, and luckily, the period before, I had gone onto the computer and come onto here. I checked out your advice (which I likely), and I relaxed. (Computer also help cuz you can tell them anything and everything and they don't repeat it...most of the time :mellow: )

The next period, I was sitting on a desk. One of my partners was trying to tell me to move where she could move our poster. I ignored her only because I was engrossed in a book. Then she tried to knock me off, causing me to hit the guy behind me, then the desk he was at, and the desk behind that, crushed the guy I liked. We all ended up in a dog pile, and I was so mad and embarrassed. I nearly yelled at my partner until I breathed slowly and just walked over to a corner of the room. Guess I forgot the suggestions though, cuz I began banging my head against the wall and screamed, "WHY ME?? WHY DO I DESERVE TO BE AROUND THESE NUT CASES???" Then I snapped back to reality and I said sorry to the two guys and ignored my partner for awhile. She knew I was mad, and I have a reputation (not a good one), that when I get mad, one of these days I will kill some one because of it. (Hopefully not, lolz :lol: ) I guess I at least got my anger down, and I did howl when I got home. (Even though I started a riot with the neighborhood dogs :mellow: ) I think I did well today, and I hope the other guys weren't hurt, cause after that, they both kept away from me like I was the Plague (and GAWD were they C-U-T-E :mellow: )

But, thank all of you for your suggestions, and I think I'm going to go destroy something now. (Jk) And at least I had some new clothes and a nice necklace to make me happier. I don't want to be a shopiholic though. :eek: Thanks again!!

~BerryTama :wub: :D

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Take up darts.

Or archery.

And stick a photo of the person on the board.

Happy you are feeling better :wacko:

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Take up darts.Or archery.

And stick a photo of the person on the board.
You know I've done that before. Back in grade 5 seemed like I had noone my age to go to as a trusted friend, not much anyway, and I took our class picture, took me and a couple other people out of it, put it on my dart board and went at it. Made me feel SO much better XD!!

The sock ball I must admit, helps.  :p
I got mad again today, and luckily, the period before, I had gone onto the computer and come onto here. I checked out your advice (which I likely), and I relaxed. (Computer also help cuz you can tell them anything and everything and they don't repeat it...most of the time  :huh: )

The next period, I was sitting on a desk. One of my partners was trying to tell me to move where she could move our poster. I ignored her only because I was engrossed in a book. Then she tried to knock me off, causing me to hit the guy behind me, then the desk he was at, and the desk behind that, crushed the guy I liked. We all ended up in a dog pile, and I was so mad and embarrassed. I nearly yelled at my partner until I breathed slowly and just walked over to a corner of the room. Guess I forgot the suggestions though, cuz I began banging my head against the wall and screamed, "WHY ME?? WHY DO I DESERVE TO BE AROUND THESE NUT CASES???" Then I snapped back to reality and I said sorry to the two guys and ignored my partner for awhile. She knew I was mad, and I have a reputation (not a good one), that when I get mad, one of these days I will kill some one because of it. (Hopefully not, lolz :huh: ) I guess I at least got my anger down, and I did howl when I got home. (Even though I started a riot with the neighborhood dogs  :huh: ) I think I did well today, and I hope the other guys weren't hurt, cause after that, they both kept away from me like I was the Plague (and GAWD were they C-U-T-E  :huh: )

But, thank all of you for your suggestions, and I think I'm going to go destroy something now. (Jk) And at least I had some new clothes and a nice necklace to make me happier. I don't want to be a shopiholic though.  :eek: Thanks again!!

~BerryTama :huh: ;)
Glad your feeling better. Hope you stay that way.

Some tips for confronting your partner:

After school or something ask if you could talk to CA (I'll call your partner (Causing Anger :p ) CA) and tell her what happened (Make SURE to have a very calm and relaxed tone and attitude.) from your side of the story. If you don't talk to her, it will just happen again and again (Sometimes with different people.) and each time you'll use all these anger tips for 5 minute anger relief.

Problems are like warts (We all dislike them.)... you can pick of the wart... and it will seem to go away, but later on, it will grow back in the same spot. But if you get to the core of the wart, it will be gone for good.


EDIT: I thought of a good 5 minute anger relief tip. Slowly eat (Remember to savor each and every bite, no, chew!)a South beach living, high protein cereal bar cinnamon raisin flavor (Mmm ;) ... scrumbcious!). THE best food IN THE WORLD *Eye twitches*.

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I'm glad you are trying to get it under control and these things seem to be working for ya. Keep it going. :]

Now I think you just have to think it through. Ask why it's such a big deal? It's not like you hit the magic red nuclear button that obliterated the world, right? Try to laugh at it instead. I'm sure your partner didn't mean hit you into him so just laugh it off, say sorry and leave it. Moments like that can sometimes come in handy for funny stories. I know my 'whoops' moments do! B)

Try to think THEN react. Usually things aren't that big of a deal and getting upset will make it even worse.


WOW! I can help ya at school if you really serious. It is very hard to believe for me though but whatevs. so ya. :huh: :angry: :huh:

I know you may not have access to it, but I ride! You can't stay mad around horses! That's the way I unwind after a long day

I have the same problem, except I deal with it, physically, not verbally. I get in so much trouble for it but I can't help it. I can't ask to go somewhere alone because the teachers get mad and don't get me started on thinking about it, I just go, "RAWR IM GONNA KILL YA NOWZ!" While kicking, shoving and punching the person who makes me angry. I was once sent to the school's nursery when I was in primary 5 because I was all, ignoring the teacher and kicking people.

Does anyone have tips for me? I think i may need to see a phsycolagist or something.(Those people with the couches like: ~____ That you lie down on and talk about stuff)

I have the same problem, except I deal with it, physically, not verbally. I get in so much trouble for it but I can't help it. I can't ask to go somewhere alone because the teachers get mad and don't get me started on thinking about it, I just go, "RAWR IM GONNA KILL YA NOWZ!" While kicking, shoving and punching the person who makes me angry. I was once sent to the school's nursery when I was in primary 5 because I was all, ignoring the teacher and kicking people.
Does anyone have tips for me? I think i may need to see a phsycolagist or something.(Those people with the couches like: ~____  That you lie down on and talk about stuff)
Get a class photo, cut out the face of the person who made you angry then rip it, put it in the shredder, burn it, throw it in the toilet, what ever you think. Seriously, I done that and it helped.

EDIT: Oh yeah if you can't find a class photo, a better idea is draw the person and make them look really stupid then do all those things. Or get a stretchy doll thing (you know, stretchy scoobie or something) then torture it and pretend it's the person.

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I have the same problem, except I deal with it, physically, not verbally. I get in so much trouble for it but I can't help it. I can't ask to go somewhere alone because the teachers get mad and don't get me started on thinking about it, I just go, "RAWR IM GONNA KILL YA NOWZ!" While kicking, shoving and punching the person who makes me angry. I was once sent to the school's nursery when I was in primary 5 because I was all, ignoring the teacher and kicking people.
Does anyone have tips for me? I think i may need to see a phsycolagist or something.(Those people with the couches like: ~____ That you lie down on and talk about stuff)
I would suggest brining an i-Pod, or your favorite cd, and when you get upset, go somewhere quiet (Bathroom, Closet, Dark corner) and try to relax.

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