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Sep 5, 2004
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
before i start i wanna point out i think about this cos im interested NOT crap and need 2 no how 2 raise em.

I wanted a hanatchi so i checked out what u have to do (first time just experimenting) and i checked out a place which said to get it neglect its body needs and be careful about its heart needs but i got a tarakotchi

does ne 1 have ne descriptions (not bogus sorry frauds! :) ) or want to talk bout woth outlandish 1s they have seen.

Im not exactly sure what you mean. But, if u wanta to get hanatchi dont feed ur tamagotchi, id say keep its hunger heart one full :unsure:

Im not exactly sure what you mean. But, if u wanta to get hanatchi dont feed ur tamagotchi, id say keep its hunger heart one full :unsure:
That may not always work because I always kept my tama at least 3 hunger hearts full and for some bizarre reason I got a hanatchi. I'm not complaining, though...

Well, Yea i read that hes frail so he must not eat much. Thats why I think you get him by not feeding ur tama much.

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