How was your Fourth of July?


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Jun 17, 2008
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Heyy, just asking, but how was your family's fourth of July? Did you light off fireworks? See fireworks? If so, was it fun? For me I went to a friends house to get a better view of the fireworks. It was 15 minutes long and so lame xP. Dissapointing but fun. Anyway, I'm pretty bored right now... since I woke up at 4:00 a.m. to watch Back to the Future III... so yeah :blink:

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I lit Pythons, the things that grow, lit sparklers, popped poppers, burnt ants, and then nothing. No party.

You still have school in July 0_0?

Mine ended last month.


It was like any normal day. I never go downtown and celebrate.

The fireworks in the neighborhood were meh.

Wait, I didn't read the title properly.


I'm Australian, not American.

Haha, yeah, we got out on Friday the 4th and go back on the 21!

The long holidays are in December!

^ Oh ya, because isn't it like opposite seasons?

We went to a parade, ski show, fireworks etc

It was pretty boring, except I got to see family. =]

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Well it was awsome. So I went to a kind of fourth of july party at my mom's friend Kelly's house. I ate really good food. And I drank alot of root beer and gatorade. And then at night they did some fireworks. The kids there were in the yard laying on blankets. Except my sister she didn't want to get hit by little tiny peices of cardboard. She's a big cry baby. But it was awsome. And trust me the fireworks were beautiful. And the kids (except my older and younger sister) seemed all drunk when they really weren't including me. And the kids did the sparkler things and pop its. And we went in the pool (except my older and younger sister and except for the adults). But it was pretty much awsome. Oh and the kids also did alot of those things where you pull the string and peices of paper string fly out.

I was supposed to have gone to Oklahoma with Nicole to celebrate 4th of July on the lake, but my parents killed all of my hopes and dreams. :(

So I stayed home to celebrate my sister's birthday instead.

After all that was done and the party was over, we shot off some of our littler fireworks in the backyard, then moved to the front to shoot off bigger things with the neighbors across the street. The fireworks lasted until about midnight and I had to sleep in the living room with my dogs because they're miniature dachshunds, and Maddie wouldn't stop barking and shaking because it sounded like our house was getting shot at.

I burned my pinky and a Black Cat exploded on my foot. .__.

It was fun, though. ^^

We didn't do much. The fireworks in our town are tomorrow, July 5th. We are going to have a partay!

We went to my aunt's house, and swam in her pool and had a cook out.

All of my cousins on my mom's side were there.

But I had to make numerous stops at the bottom of the 8ft side of the pool to retreive things people threw down there.

But it was fun.

My mom did a back flip off of the diving board o_O

Mine was great. I went to a little parade with my friend and then we went to her house and played Guitar Hero all day on the wii! I can play Miss Murder on hard 73% now. :(

Then we watched fireworks. There was a lot of mosquitoes and I hate nasty bug spray so I wrapped myself in a towel cacoon. It was epic.

I actually had a really great 4th of July ^.^

First, my dad took me out fishing. We always go fishing in the summer. So that was really fun. I caught 3 fish. Not too good, but the pond we went to is the one that we never seem to catch many fish in.

Anyways, after that, my mom got out of work and the 3 of us went out to eat. Nothing fancy, just a fast food place. It was pretty good.

Then we hung out until about 9:30 until the fireworks show came on. It was like 25 minutes long. They weren't that good, but the finale was cool because they shot a whole buch up in the air at once. And then we went home after that. So I had a really good day. :(

I had a great fourth of July! First I went to Six Flags and rode a ton of rides. Then we went to Chilis to have dinner. After that, we went to watch a band play and watch the fireworks. So much fun. Seems like only yesterday... oh wait, it was yesterday. :(

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