How Would U Break It W/ Ur Bf?


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Well-known member
Feb 25, 2006
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I live in tn
How would u break up w/ ur bf? I was just wondering, i dont ave anything goin on that i want 2 fix, i am just a very curious person. Personaly I would thik that it would be better if u did it in person, but if u are not like, well um.......ya! U can have a friend do it like i did, but that dont matter now cause now we are back 2gether.


So how would u break it w/ u bf if u have one and if u did?

Either write him a note, or do it in person. No other way is good enough.

(Even though it was fun to break up with Josh for you!)


I just couldn't! I <3 my boybuddy and it would crush me to not be with him.... If it was anyone else, I'd write him a note, and put it in his homework folder, when he's not looking.

Well, I would probably do it in person and say something like "I don't think this relationship is going very well, and I think it would be better if we stopped seeing each other."

i would say that i wanted 2 be real close friends.
Oh, yeah, I forgot to add, I would also say "But I would still like to be friends." I would say that at the end.

I would say it in person when there wasn't anybody else around [no need to embarress the guy!] and tell him why it just isn't working. *shurgs* I've never had a boyfriend but I would try to let him down gently.

Heh heh... if they were jerks I'd break up with them over a txt msg. or over the phone.

Hm...I've broken up with(and been broken up with) several different ways.

My usual style if things are on the rocks is to kind of allow some emotional distance occur, and then just to talk with him and end things gently. I don't want to hurt him anymore than I have to.

I've been mean only once, and it was only after I put up with 7 months of verbal abuse. It had come to the point where I absolutely could not stand to look at him for one more second of my life because he didn't deserve it. I kept my cool,, but I flat out told him that he was going to leave instantly and that I did not want to see him ever again. I told him I'd had enough of the meanness and fighting, and that he brought all the pain of the breakup on himself. Mean of me, but I had reached my breaking point. I learned from that experience(I was 17 at the time) how horrid that makes you feel, and that I will NEVER put up with anything like that again. No girl ever has to allow that to happen to herself. :)

Probably the hardest breakup for me was the spring of '06. I totally fell for a guy I was dating for several months, but we had a rather intense and tumultous relationship. :D We were in a class at college together, and one day after class, he just blew up on me for not remembering to bring my notebook to class. So stupid a thing for him to get mad didn't affect him and I didn't even need it for that particular day in class. thing led to another...I got upset...and we spent over 2 hours in his Jeep breaking up, arguing, me crying my eyes out...the works. Finally, he made one last nasty, juvenile remark as we were talking, and he was shocked because I just coldly got up, opened the door of his Jeep, looked him in the eye and said, "Goodbye Brandon", slammed the door shut, and walked away across the parking lot in the darkness. He sat there speechless and didn't start his car until I got into mine and left. That was the only part that felt good. :ph34r: I don't suggest to anyone to break up using that method. It's terribly unpleasant.

As you get older and more serious, breakups tend to become more painful and difficult. It sounds ominous, but it just comes along with the territory. lol That's why you have to learn from your mistakes early on, try to handle things maturely...and most importantly NEVER forget who you are and what you're worth. :)

I've never had a boyfriend.. And don't plan to for a while..

But I'd tell him in person when I do, if I have to.. I think texting, email, IM, notes, etc, are pretty harsh, and just show that you're not brave and confident enough that they would understand. I just think it shows more respect..

I'd see him in person and confront him the reason why I'm breaking up with him and offer to be friends, telling him it might work in the future. I've done it once and I can do it again. It may seem hard... but...

well if i have one thing to say about it its do it yourself. dont break up over myspace, aim, notes, or have another friend do it for u. thats just lowwww. it may seem hard the first time or everytime. it was and has been for me. but just walk up to him and b like hey trev(example name lol) i like u a lot and i loved dating u but i rele think that i enjoyed being your friend better than ur girlfriend. :] smile wen u say it and say something humerous like i love u like a brotha and i wanna keep it that way. then like give him a big hug and b like r u ok w/ that? its the best way ive found. the one boy who i had a friend break up with the others i broke up with in the way above im alll bffs with! :]]

I'd probably just say what I felt and why it wasn't working. If I want to be friends I'd say that too.

Well hopefully I'll never have to break up with my boyfriend. But if we did break up we'd probably be good friends still because it would be hard never to see someone you've been close to for over 2 years.

When I was younger and I didn't want to go out with someone I'd get my friends to tell them. I know it's mean but I always felt bad and I was really young. I would of been younger than 14 because I remember not going out with someone for a while until I started with my boyfriend, and when we started going out I'd only just turned 15.

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