How would you like to die?


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May 31, 2009
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I Would like to die in my sleep, so i wouldnt go through much as pain as i would be alive.


No,I'd like to die one day,in my sleep without any pain,when I hate my life. Certainly not now.

Well, I'd like to die the old fashion way - by getting stabbed. Joking...

I wanna die of old age...

My friends tell me I'm gonna die because I'm some sorta cancerous cat that comes back to life as a zombie.

Actually, I wanna die the quick, painless way.

Many different ways. I want to go out in a super memorable way.

Murdered in a awesome way.

Or eaten by cannibals.

For real.

I would like to die in any way that is not painful or uncomfortable. Even though I haven't died, I envy those small bugs like fruit flies, because if someone smushes them, they don't even know they're about to die, and then when they're dead they don't know it either! I want to die like that. And I want to die after I'm 100, if possible.

I would like to die awake because I would like to say some great last words,I mean I would like to die awake as long as it was quick and painless.But I am kinda scared to stop breathing if im awake.

Really . . .

I'd like to die a slow and painful death. I'm sure plenty of you are asking why. Well, because when I die I want to be able to take a big look around me and memorize what's there. I want to take time to think about my life and wonder if I did all I wanted to do. I'd like to feel my last few minutes of pain.

It sounds gruesome, kinda, but it would be worth it. Just to be able to say a longer goodbye to the world in which I spent my whole life.

I would like to die peacefully like Tamacandy but of old age and painlessly and I want to be awake. That's how my grandfather died. Most of his family was with him. He was awake but he didn't feel any pain. It was peaceful and for him, there was nothing left to say and nothing left to do. He died with a smile on his face. ♥

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