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May 26, 2011
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Hey all,

Just a quick intro. :)

I remember playing Tamagotchi's way back when I was in middle school in 1997-98. For whatever reason, I remembered the fun I had with my Tamagotchi and being nostalgic I went googling. :) One thing led to the next and before I knew it, I purchased a color Tama on eBay. XD So, now I'm just waiting for it's arrival! I'm looking forward to having a little eggy pet again and am curious to see how much has changed, and how much still remains the same. :D I've been reading and watching youtube videos so that when it arrives I'll be able to maneuver around the Japanese. XD

Oh, and what is the battery life of the tama color? I've read it's short, but how short? Is there a charger that comes with it or will I be replacing batteries often? If my batteries do die, will my little guy be erased and I'll have to start over again?

Thanks! :D

Yay for nostalgia! I started playing with Tamagotchis back in the '90s as well. Congratulations on the purchase of your +C! I was absolutely ecstatic when I first got mine (as it was my first color Tamagotchi) and I'm sure you're feeling the same way. May I suggest a topic on this site that might help you get further acquainted with the +C? If you take a look at binary's TMGC+C Guide in the Reference section, you'll see that's he's translated all the menu options and goes into great detail about how it all works.

You will be able to maneuver around the Japanese in no time as you start to get used to the menu interface and memorize where everything is. There are several Japanese color releases out there at the moment and the +C is a great way to start.

As far as battery life goes, it depends on what type you have and whether or not you connect your Tamagotchi via infrared to compatible Tamagotchis, brightness settings, etc., but I'd say that batteries generally last a few months. There is no charger for batteries (unless you purchase rechargeable batteries, of course, but I don't recommend doing that). When your batteries die and you have to change them, rest assured that you won't lose your character or data. Just pop the new batteries in and a menu should appear upon startup. It'll be in Japanese, of course, but you'll see a prompt asking you a question and two choices: download/load and reset. The arrow should already be trained on the right choice, which is download, but just in case you want to be sure, you always want to choose the top selection if you'd like to get all your stuff back. That's the beauty of the Connection Tamagotchis, is that they have this option.

Anyway, welcome to TamaTalk! Please be sure to check out the User Guide to the site if you haven't already done so, and please feel free to ask questions should they come up. I highly recommend taking some time to browse the site and see what it has to offer. I'm glad to see that you're taking the initiative to research a bit about Tamagotchis before purchasing them. If you're interested, I would also check out the Logs section if you're curious to know more about the kinds of Tamagotchis members are logging about these days. I myself am logging about my +C, among others. I really hope you enjoy your stay! :)

Thanks for your welcome and thanks for the link, I look forward to checking it out.

Can't wait to play around with my new Tamagotchi! XD ...if my friends knew, I think they would be like... O.O...o_O...o_O, lol

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