huh? this is crazy!


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dr gotchi

Active member
Jan 8, 2006
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somewere in new zealand...
:huh: i dont get it.

I connect my v.3 and v.2 together, we play a game together, then i go to my friends list and it has a picture of an acorn tamagotchi (nazotchi)

so theni connect again and this time its a present, so the v.2 comes over to the v.3s screen, and the tama that gives me the present is that same nazotchi. How weird. I connect one more time, and its a present and the v.3 comes over to the v.2s house and gives the present, and its that really annoying nazotchi... :)

i just want to know why it happnez???

Well, for example, if a Tamatchi came on to a V2, and a Hitodetchi came on to a V3, they would both come up as a Nazotchi, a character you get when the Tamagotchi is debugged. Or, V3's are just crazy :angry: !

i think it's because the v3 has more items then the v2 and v1. don't spaz! just relaxe and think about it and how much more features it has and tell me...would they title it saying that it has all this new stuff but not put it in the tama?

hope i helped,

Evil Devil

when v1 or v2 connects with v3 you have a nazotchi because v3 has more caricters

I think that since V3 has souvenirs and all these cool things that are WAY too different from a V2, some of the characters show up a Nazotchi. I connected a V2 Young Mametchi and a V3 Young Mametchi together, and they were both Nazotchis. Then, I connected a V2 Mametchi with a V3 Mametchi (not the same tamas that were Young Mametchis), the V2 put the V3 as a V2 Mametchi, and the V3 put the V2 as a V3 Mametchi.

I think that V3 and V2 connecting makes the teens and toddlers and babies show up as Nazotchi, not the adults.

Ooh, here's the new smiley Nazotchi too: :p

Mim :p

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