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Well-known member
Jul 2, 2004
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My own little world...
You know where they say that, to get Hanatchi/Robotchi, you have to look after their heart needs well, but not their body needs? Well, I did that. I kept Sasha's happiness full, but let her hunger slip. I toilet trained her and praised her. I even played the dance game a lot with her. But somehow, she became a Gozarutchi this morning. (Not that I mind, though. They are cool!) Maybe I've forgotten something?

UPDATE!: Now Cleo has just woken up. Despite taking near perfect care, she became a Gozarutchi too! Eeeep! Ninja invasion! :lol:

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I don't think that tamagotchis die after breeding. If you watch them leave, you will see that they say goodbye to their babies and float off the screen. Sounds like they are being beamed up to somewhere...

The Tamagotchi leaves the baby at midnight. You have to stay up till midnight (or set the clock forward) to see it.

You know where they say that, to get Hanatchi/Robotchi, you have to look after their heart needs well, but not their body needs? Well, I did that. I kept Sasha's happiness full, but let her hunger slip. I toilet trained her and praised her. I even played the dance game a lot with her. But somehow, she became a Gozarutchi this morning. (Not that I mind, though. They are cool!) Maybe I've forgotten something?
UPDATE!: Now Cleo has just woken up. Despite taking near perfect care, she became a Gozarutchi too! Eeeep! Ninja invasion! :lol:
no no no thats not the same as heart needs and body needs, to keep the heart needs up, you need to beat the Dance game(get 30) and to keep body needs up u havta get 30 on the Hurdle game

I dnt think it matters which 1 u get i fink its fun just 2 go along and see wot ur adult is! i cnt wait until ive had all of them but i dnt mind if i get the same one-at the mo ive had 4 different types of adults and they were all girls and ive got a baby and shes a girl aswell-wot happened 2 the bois in this world? :( :unsure:

Lol! Who knows? Maybe they got lost on the way to Earth and refused to ask for directions? j/k! :(

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Genna the Memetchi: Umm, Rik, I think we are going the wrong way. Earth is to the lef...

Kyle the Robotchi: No, honey. Earth is THIS way...

Genna: Not according to this map, it isn't. We are heading towards Jupiter...

Kyle: That's not Jupiter.

Genna:*points to map* Look... JU-PI-TER. We are looking for EA-RTH...

Kyle: Are you sure you are holding that thing the right way up... you are? Ermmm... right... I

Genna: Look, there's a passing UFO. Let's ask them if they know the way to Earth.

Kyle: Pfft. Why should we?

Genna: It looks like we are lost...

Kyle: We aren't lost... we just aren't 100% sure where we are...

Genna: Admit it... you are lost!

Kyle: *points to Pluto* Look, there's Saturn!

Genna: Ummmm... Kyle? Saturn has rings....

Kyle:*To the kids in the back* Hold on, kids! Daddy knows a shortcut!

*50000000000 light years later*

Kids: Are we there yet?

Kyle: No.

Kids: Are we there yet?

Kyle: No.

Kids: Are we there yet?

Kyle: No.

Kids: Are we there yet?

Kyle: *snappy* Ask me one more time, and I'm turning this Spaceship around and taking you back to Planet Tamagotchi!

Genna: *under her breath* If he can find it...

Kids: *few seconds silence* Are we there yet?


OK, Tamagoyaki,I'm a Trekkie, and "Beam me up, Scotty" was the first thing I thought when I saw the leaving ceremony.

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/ :ph34r: :ph34r: :lol: B) /

no no no thats not the same as heart needs and body needs, to keep the heart needs up, you need to beat the Dance game(get 30) and to keep body needs up u havta get 30 on the Hurdle game
i think ur wrong because i never had 30 in the dance or jump games n had a hanatchi once

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