Hurt Feelings


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I want to NOT get shots on Friday :C

Too bad, cause my sorta new cat Cooper is going to give you a big one and he doesn't know how to operate one so it will hurt.

I wish I was a cat that could turn human so when my owner kicks me I can turn to a human and call child abuse. AND DON'T YOU DARE CALL ME IMMATURE! (please do so)

Too bad, because my cat Amber just went poo in her litter box.

I wish Amber's poo didn't smell bad and it smelled like strawberries.

Too bad, poo can't smell like strawberries so it smells like ROTTEN FISH AND EGGS!


I wish I had more friends. :( (Really, I really really really wish I had more friends cause I had two and lost one. :/)

You didn't make a wish..... You suck. :p

I wish the gum Im chewing on right now was Trident Layers. :p

Too bad, all of the KFCs exploded because they WANT YOU TO BE HEALTHIER.

I wish I could perform ventriloquism.

Too bad cos your'e an alien

I wish I didn't have to go in an hour!!!!

Too bad, cause what you said made no sense whatsoever! GOSH, you are such a noob, you need to learn your English cause you suck. cos your'e an alien? First of all, it's 'cause, secongm It's you're, not your'e! What is wrong with you? That sentence should be exclamatory or declarative, not interrogative! SERIOUSLY, kids these days! (I'm a grammar nazi and I'm truly sorry.)

I wsh tat pepole weld stohp spred roomors tat mai englishes and spelngs wre bad, becus i hurting mai feelers

Too bad, now everytime you eat something, you get such terrible indigestion that you're close to dying.

Wish that I didn't have to wish so I wouldn't get insulted. Too bad, I just posted in this topic...

No offence but, this topic isnt all fun to me. someone could read something and take it harshly and they might be very upset. even though its meant to be a joke some people could be offended by it.

Sorry for being off topic, but i have a point.

You didn't make a wish so you get nothing and you have to live in the streets. (no offence, it's only a joke)

I wish I was better at netball.

if u dont like the game, don't post, send a message to ilyaneyanie [which is me btw] also, if you post here, get ready for insults cus this topic is about insulting.

Too bad, cause... I forgot the wish.

I wish I was a loser.

Too bad because you're not!

I wish I don't have tons of homework to do tonight! :(

I wish YOU would stop being a ***** and do your homework! Isn't your mom going to yell at you if you don't?

I wish... nothing, cause insults are huafhjrhgieowgtirw4 me...

Tee hee.

You get asdfjkl;asdfjkl;asdfjkl;

I wish for something to change!

I wish YOU would stop being a ***** and do your homework! Isn't your mom going to yell at you if you don't?

I wish... nothing, cause insults are huafhjrhgieowgtirw4 me...

Tee hee.

I'm always doing my homework without being told. I'm just tired

Too bad there's no change?

I wish 123456789

Too bad cause 98754321

I wish I wasn't lazy enough that I'd go upstairs and make breakfast

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