I <3 A girl


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Oct 12, 2010
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I don't think she knows I like her, but a couple people know, and I'm afraid they will tell her. Should I get somebody else to do it, or should I just go up and ask her out. I'm a little shy :p . Also, she's one of those independent girls who typically don't go out much. How can I let her know that she can do her own thing, and still go out with me?



Do you know her very well? (As in, are you friends with her?)

If so, just wait a while, see if she gives any signs of liking you back, if she does, go for it

If not, Ask her out of a date to a movie or whatever, and get to know her c:

man i give the crappiest advice alive.

Whatever you do, don't get someone else to do it.

I'm "one of those independent girls" and I know that we don't like being asked by somebody else.

My best advice is to talk to her and get to know her, and maybe she'll start feeling the same way.

How well do you know her?

Well, I've known her since the 3rd grade, and I'm in 7th grade now. So, I'm kinda worried that if I ask her and she says no... our friendship is ruined. I mine if she does say no, I won't make a big deal out of it. But I just don't want her to not feel uncomfortable around me, knowing that I like her.

.... So, I'm kinda worried that if I ask her and she says no... our friendship is ruined. I mine if she does say no, I won't make a big deal out of it. But I just don't want her to not feel uncomfortable around me, knowing that I like her.
Seems to me that if she is smart and independent and you ask her out - followed pretty much by that statement you just made up there then you have laid your cards on the table.

Everyone appreciates a person who is honest and genuine.

No one likes liars or being mislead about another person.

Don't get somebody else to it because then she won't know if it's for real. I know loads of guys who say "Hey, -insertpersonhere- wants to know if you'll go out with him." and they're just trying to wind people up. How would she know any different?

Just ask her out.. you'll be happy that you did, regardless of her reply.

There's nothing wrong with feeling a little shy ! 8D

Just approach her with a casual, "Hey ! How's it going?" or something like that.

Oh, but say she like you back. I bet she'll be flattered when you ask her out. ^w^

And if she ends up saying no? You'll still be happy that you worked up your courage to ask her.

Maybe you'll realize that you weren't as shy as you thought ! :D

But yeah, if she's genuinely not interested, there's no need for you to take it the hard way.

Because.. it's a lot more cruel to give a guy false hope and lead them on than to reject them right there and then.

Good luck ! Hope it goes well. :)

+' timestamp='1287401195' post='3029171']There's nothing wrong with feeling a little shy ! 8D

Just approach her with a casual, "Hey ! How's it going?" or something like that.

Oh, but say she like you back. I bet she'll be flattered when you ask her out. ^w^

And if she ends up saying no? You'll still be happy that you worked up your courage to ask her.

Maybe you'll realize that you weren't as shy as you thought ! :D

But yeah, if she's genuinely not interested, there's no need for you to take it the hard way.

Because.. it's a lot more cruel to give a guy false hope and lead them on than to reject them right there and then.

Good luck ! Hope it goes well. :)
Yeah, i agree with this. And remember, if it doesn't work out, you're only in 7th grade. I'm in 10th and most the people I know aren't even dating yet, you can take your time. There's a lot of years ahead and you'll meet other people. But good luck anyways, try to overcome being shy! That's always a good thing.

feel for everything in your first post exact same but worst she knows cos i told a freind normally trustworthy and now i have loads of people coming up to me even the teacher knows! i was there when it happened and she says you know shes going out with (insert name here) yes i know miss also a freind hit her in the back of her head with SHEET METAL so DONT TELL ANYONE is the moral here

Whatever you do, DON'T START ANNOYING HER.

It seems like you guys are friends, so at least she enjoys your company.

And I think you should go for it. She would probably be flattered even if she said no.

Thats coming from a girl.


The fail advice giver.

feel for everything in your first post exact same but worst she knows cos i told a freind normally trustworthy and now i have loads of people coming up to me even the teacher knows! i was there when it happened and she says you know shes going out with (insert name here) yes i know miss also a freind hit her in the back of her head with SHEET METAL so DONT TELL ANYONE is the moral here
^ They can tell if they want. It depends on whether the person being told can keep a secret or not. Unfortunately, most people can't.


I suggest you take it slow. If you have a friendship, and then you pop out of nowhere 'Oheyy, wanna go out, I like you" isn't going to help.

Try getting to know her, do an activity together, as friends if you haven't already asked her out. Then, let her pick something of choice. One of the things she picks, might just be one of her interests.

And, while it happens, ask her about herself, and answer any questions about yourself. And, if you think she likes you, or anything like that, ask her.

[ I got this from the top of my head, right then and there, so it might not be very good 3: ]

All the best, and good luck

-Sugary :)

^ They can tell if they want. It depends on whether the person being told can keep a secret or not. Unfortunately, most people can't.


I suggest you take it slow. If you have a friendship, and then you pop out of nowhere 'Oheyy, wanna go out, I like you" isn't going to help.

Try getting to know her, do an activity together, as friends if you haven't already asked her out. Then, let her pick something of choice. One of the things she picks, might just be one of her interests.

And, while it happens, ask her about herself, and answer any questions about yourself. And, if you think she likes you, or anything like that, ask her.

[ I got this from the top of my head, right then and there, so it might not be very good 3: ]

All the best, and good luck

-Sugary :)
No, Sugary, I think that's a good idea. Coming from the girl prespective, I think I'd rather hang out with a guy before even going out.

Oh, and if you pay, she'll consider it a date. Just f.y.i.

Look for signs that she likes you before you ask her out. If you're already good friends with her, don't worry about dating her. Just enjoy her company and know that she likes you as a friend even if things don't work out with you two as a couple.

Everyone here is giving wonderful advice. I'll throw this out there again, but don't have someone else ask her out for you. If you do it yourself, it shows that you really like her and are serious about dating her. If I was asked out through a friend, I'd be slightly offended that the guy couldn't do it themselves. Just do it yourself, and you'll be fine. Its not as nervewracking as you think. Since she is your friend, she will hopefully be cool with it whether she says yes or no.

Just follow the others' advice, get to know her better, and she may just fall for you in return.

Good luck! :)

Go for it and say it to her. I don't like it when guys go up to me like, "Will you go out with Brandon? He likes you."

I say no or tell him to ask me out in person, then if so I say yes.

I don't like 'Brandon' anymore, so that's why I said no and that's why 'Brandon''s friend is being stupid and annoying the heck out of me.

So when I got dumped and he annoyed me a kicked him cause I was angry and sad :3

Even though I said how I act if you get another guy to doesn't mean she will. Oh and if you are getting a friend to, get one of her friends, increases your chance a tad ;)

I'm not one of the 'independent girls' but even so I know that every girl hates being asked out by someone else instead of the ACTUAL PERSON (If that makes sense?).

My best advice is to either talk to her or just come straight out with it. ;)

Good luck!

Aw. :) Go to her face and say it. It's awkward for a girl to be aked out by someone for someone. *sweatdrop* What I'm trying to say is, don't be afraid, it's ok, it's not like she'll bite you. :D

I hope you the best of luck!


Never get another guy to tell your crush you like her. Any girl would think that is lame. What you want to do is go up to her and ask some casual questions then ask "like anyone?" If she says yes ask her if it is you:3

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