I am worried...


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Active member
Jul 11, 2007
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OK, as u all know, tamagotchi v4.5 are the new black. the prob is, my mom won't let me buy 1. and since v4.5 is to b out soon, it's going 2 dominate all discussion on tamatalk. TAMATALK IS MY FAVE WEBSITE!! so it going to positively KILL me if u talk about nothing but v4.5, because i'm the only 1 without a v4.5. I KNOW THIS ISN'T UR PROBLEM BUT PLZ!! DON'T JUST TALK ABOUT VERSION 4.5S!!!


:) ~Violetchi4697~ ;) :nyatchi:

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You shouldn't tell people what to talk about. If someone has a V4.5 or if they don't - they can still talk about it.

If you make posts on other versions etc people will still reply. But there isn't a need to tell people not to talk about it. I'm sure lots of people don't have one.

I don't have one yet.

We can if we want to! LOL jeese.

BTW me getting one..^^

BTTW You can't bann people or get mad if they are excited.

Hmmm... it's natural to want to talk about the latest tama (this site isn't called TamaTalk for nothing you know) :wub:

If you had one you'd be bursting to tell everyone and share experiences and ask questions wouldn't you...? :rolleyes:

You will certainly not be the "only one" without a V4.5 :angry:

It's not even launched in Europe yet.... and not everyone will go out and buy one straight away :ichigotchi:

*hands out Chill pill*

Don't worry (be happy) - there'll be plenty of ppl still posting about the V4 and the V3 :furawatchi:

OK, as u all know, tamagotchi v4.5 are the new black. the prob is, my mom won't let me buy 1. and since v4.5 is to b out soon, it's going 2 dominate all discussion on tamatalk. TAMATALK IS MY FAVE WEBSITE!! so it going to positively KILL me if u talk about nothing but v4.5, because i'm the only 1 without a v4.5. I KNOW THIS ISN'T UR PROBLEM BUT PLZ!! DON'T JUST TALK ABOUT VERSION 4.5S!!!THX!!

:ichigotchi: ~Violetchi4697~ :furawatchi: :wub:
not many people have a 4.5

Listen up.

Sorry to tel ya, but e don't have to listen. We can talk about whatever tama we want.....

Sorry to berude, I am not trying to be.

OK, as u all know, tamagotchi v4.5 are the new black. the prob is, my mom won't let me buy 1. and since v4.5 is to b out soon, it's going 2 dominate all discussion on tamatalk. TAMATALK IS MY FAVE WEBSITE!! so it going to positively KILL me if u talk about nothing but v4.5, because i'm the only 1 without a v4.5. I KNOW THIS ISN'T UR PROBLEM BUT PLZ!! DON'T JUST TALK ABOUT VERSION 4.5S!!!THX!!

:( ~Violetchi4697~ :furawatchi: :wub:
Don't worry; I'm not going to get a v4.5. I remember the first time I joined I missed out on plenty of the discussions because I didn't have a v2 and that was the focal point at the time.

And anyway, v4.5. is essentially the same as v4, just different characters (same amount though), different games (same amount though) and different jobs (same amount though). The most anybody will be talking about is either how to achieve the different characters or how to play the different games/jobs. Some jobs are the same as on v4. I do hope for those people who get a v4.5 that all of the glitches are fixed and the matchmaker isn't moving too fast and leaving too quickly.

Don't worry; I'm not going to get a v4.5. I remember the first time I joined I missed out on plenty of the discussions because I didn't have a v2 and that was the focal point at the time.
And anyway, v4.5. is essentially the same as v4, just different characters (same amount though), different games (same amount though) and different jobs (same amount though). The most anybody will be talking about is either how to achieve the different characters or how to play the different games/jobs. Some jobs are the same as on v4. I do hope for those people who get a v4.5 that all of the glitches are fixed and the matchmaker isn't moving too fast and leaving too quickly.
It is a litte different its not the same thing.

Don't worry. Get one soon, and if ya don't, get a V5 when they come out.



OK, as u all know, tamagotchi v4.5 are the new black. the prob is, my mom won't let me buy 1. and since v4.5 is to b out soon, it's going 2 dominate all discussion on tamatalk. TAMATALK IS MY FAVE WEBSITE!! so it going to positively KILL me if u talk about nothing but v4.5, because i'm the only 1 without a v4.5. I KNOW THIS ISN'T UR PROBLEM BUT PLZ!! DON'T JUST TALK ABOUT VERSION 4.5S!!!THX!!

;) ~Violetchi4697~ ;) :angry:
tell your mom there educatonal whitch they actually are :p it'll teach you responsibility blah...blah...ect. -_-

Well, we'll try not to brag or anything, but we can talk about them if we want to.

Anyways, the only reason I don't have one yet is because they're not out where I live yet, but my mom says when they come out I can get one, and maybe even the PC Pack if it's out! XD Yay! ;)

(sry, not trying to brag).


don`t worry we can talk about the old ones! I`m not going to buy a V4.5 because theyre gonna be soooo much like the V4 so i bought an uratama instead :huh: besides your mom won`t let you BUT one....christmas presents! Hint hint!

Ask for one for christmas *or your b-day if that`s sooner*

okay! im sorry i was acting like a jerk. i really need a chill pill. thx guys.

:furawatchi: ~Violetchi4697~ :unsure: :wacko:

I hear of a lot of people who do this kinda stuff on here, (like telling others what to do, or talk about, etc.)

Well, I got out of tamagotchi's and I game my fav v4 to a dear friend, and I still go on here, and do other stuff rather then tamagotchi's. This may be TamaTalk but not everyone is going to talk about the same tamagotchi (v4.5).

I'm not going to get the v4.5, I never even knew that there was one, and just because your not getting it doesn't mean everyone is.

Plus, Please do yourself a favor, and please don't call yourself a jerk, I'm sure you were just upset about not getting one that's all. Doesn't mean we think your a jerk. :p

I'm sure you might get one someday, be happy :)

~Kawaii-Kitty (..losing my patince..)

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dont worry! i get along just fine and i dont even have a v4...and im looking after a v1!!

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