I bought on Ebay!THE GAME


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it has the worst songs in there.

i bought a keyboard.

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You failed to ship so now you're stuck in the middle of the ocean!

I bought a beanie baby off ebay!

~*CoConut Cream*~

it's not real.

i bought a french fry offa ebay.

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but It was too big and smashed the whole world

I get a pretty pair of shoes from Ebay

((Couscous is a side dish that is similar to rice. It's REALLY good!))

It ended up being March.

I bought a nose off of eBay!

the nose didnt fit well and i made you look like a clown anyway :) .

i bought a piece of muddy news paper with a boring headline letter on it!

it turned out to be a computer moniter , just someone said PC moniter , and you heard Ba-by moniter.

i bought 5 extra heads off Ebay

Unfortunately, one ate itself, so you only have 4 extra heads :) I feel bad for you.

I bought a half-eaten sandwich on eBay!

it's a really gross and moldy sandwich

i bought beef jerky offa ebay!

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