I can't be myself :I


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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2006
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I don't think I've made a guy topic.. ever.


Anyway, When I think guy is interested in me, most of the time I'm interested back. The problem is, I just can't be myself. :I

I've been having problems with my confidence lately. I think I look terrible almost always. I just can't make eye contact with the guy because I'm afraid I look terrible. I understand that in a relationship, looks don't mean everything, but looks are keeping me from being myself. Am I intimidated because they are attractive looking?

This happened recently. His name was Brett, My mom's Friend's Nephew. Sure, I just met him that day, but I was with him for about 8 hours. Alot of times he would pop down and sit by me. I think I only made eye contact with him 4 times. ._. I had a feeling he wanted my number, since he ran and got his phone once. Every time I looked his way he was looking towards me. I was so scared of looking terrible, as I talked about earlier. So I only talked to him 'alone' very little. I lost my chance, and I may or may not see him again.

Is there any way I could boost my confidence so I can be myself around guys?

I personally think you look pretty the way you are :]

But try not to think about that, I mean if you looked terrible he wouldn't be looking right? xD Just try to keep in mind that if they are interested in you, they are interested, meaning they DO think you're pretty. :]

^ took the words straight out my mouth.

If your hairs just a little messed up or something like that then don't worry. Guys are human too [i'm guessing xD] I'm sure he won't mind.

& he must think you're gorgeous, if he keeps staring at you.

Just try to take a bit of pride in your appearence, I've never seen you, but

I bet you're beautiful.

I tend to feel this way a lot too, kk445. There's always that little negative voice that whispers, "You're not good enough", "You're not cool enough", "You're not pretty enough" etc. But you know what you have to do? Just say "I am good enough" right back to the ugly voice in your head and put a smile on your face. No one is perfect. But you can be positive. And if you tell yourself over and over again that you are beautiful you will start to believe it. And when the little voice speaks up again just ignore it. For every negative aspect think of a positive one, then pitch the negatives, and superglue the positives into your head so you can feel good about yourself every day. Just be brave, smart, happy, and beautiful and you will grow to become all of these things. Make an effort to feel great in the skin you're in. As for the guys, I clam up in front of them from time to time too. Be brave and confident because if you shy away, these guys may think that you're not into them or give up trying to break the bubble you're enclosing yourself in. And you don't want that, right? So smile. Be bold. Be beautiful. Be you. Do this, and everything should be okay :blink: .

It doesn't matter what you look like on the outside. It's personality that matters.

Don't waist time thinking on the negative. Think of the postitive things about yourself, and be confident.

I like it when girls are like that, to me it makes them funnier.

Just pretend they are one of your friends.

I think this is a common issue amongst adolescent girls. Just be yourself, and try not to think about your appearance too much. Obviously, if the guy keeps hanging out with you and looking at your, he finds you attractive and pleasant to be around.

Well I'm a guy. And, well. I don''t really care all that much about what they look like.

Nobody's Perfect. It's not like he wakes up and he is naturally ready. So, he may feel the same way.

I personally think you look pretty the way you are :]
But try not to think about that, I mean if you looked terrible he wouldn't be looking right? xD Just try to keep in mind that if they are interested in you, they are interested, meaning they DO think you're pretty. :]
That's a good point O:

I'm starting to feel better now :]

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