i can't believe this!


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Well-known member
Sep 17, 2006
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plez sum1 help i am balling my eyes out right now! my kitten just died while i waz giveing it a bath (because it had pop all over her bottom) it wazn't even 7 weeks yet and i feel so bad because i feel like it waz all my fault, here i waz just washin da shampoo in and then it just stopped doing anything and as i was running into the house i can member her lil face gasping for air! god i feel like such a bad person how could i let her die she depended on me... :nyatchi: :( :lol: any1 have any ideas y she just... died?... coz i don't! plez help me!

Well First Of all, I'm So Sorry About your Kitty *hugs*.

And Second of all, Maybe You Should have Had a Firm Grip on your kitten, like, maybe holding on to the scruff of its neck. (like its mother would do, except,er, Dont use your teeth.), or Holding it under the stomach, (like you would as if you were in the process of picking it up..

How deep was the water though?. The Water Should only be about,3-4 inches high (just guessing, but thats what i'd put) at the most. Kittens at that Age Arent Entirely Weak, but they are some-what Fragile. Its Easily for them to drown like that.Its like, Leaving a Small Child(like, an infant) Unaccompanied during it's Bath (which is Fatal, a Small child Could have an Intake of about, a tbsp of water, and Still Drown)

I don't really know...Where did you get your kitten? From a pet shop? Did she look huddled away in the corner, and very sleepy when you got her?

Your kitten could have been ill before you brought her. Sometimes local pet shops do not take very good care of their animals. :)

I feel very sorry for you...

.:: Hot Banana ::.

I agree that your kitten could of been ill when you bought her. And I'm very sorry she died.

Seeing as you washed her maybe the shock of the water could of killed her, because I thought you where ment to avoid washing young animals. [i heard that on Animal Cops Houston] You shouldn't feel guilty because it wasn't your fault and I wouldn't of put shampoo on her because it could irritate her skin.

If this does happen to a kitten that you have again then I'd only wash her bum - without any soap just incase it irritates them. When I first got my puppy even though I got it from a 'Breeder' he still had a dirty bottom so I took him to my Grandma's and she washed just his bottom under the water [Warmish Temp] and then used some scissors to cut off the hair it could of gotton stuck on. She only did this because she had alot of experience with dogs though. She used to groom alot of dogs for friends etc.

Yeah, maybe your kitty needed help-silently. And yes, we are very sorry she died. :( Did you take her to the vet? Because young ones need SPECIAL help. Dont worry its not your fault! Just relax and do something that makes you happy. :) That always works for me!

I hope you feel better.


Poor kitty. :) I'm so sorry for your loss.

Was the water from the tap cold or hot? A very cold temperature or a very high one could of put her into shock and killed her (I think). Also, as the others have said, perhaps she was already ill when you got her?

Poor kitty. :) I'm so sorry for your loss.
Was the water from the tap cold or hot? A very cold temperature or a very high one could of put her into shock and killed her (I think). Also, as the others have said, perhaps she was already ill when you got her?
Yes. I foster kittens a lot so I know this. Kittens aren't as strong, so you need to pay attention. Like, if your were holing her tummy the wrong way, her heart is right above that, so you could have pressed down on her heart to hard. Also, as Tamagirl_Desy said, it could have been the water. Kittens body temperature tend to drop or go up easily, so depending on if it was hot or cold, that may be what happend. When you get a new kitty, make sure the water is warm. Like a little cold, a little warm, so it balances.

I am so sorry for you and your kitten. I hope you feel better.

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Awww, I'm soo sorry! I would know how that feels, except ours was worse. We had a very old cat that was very speical to us, and she was sopposed to live for another year or so but she (we think this is what happened) ate some dog food, and her body could not digest it and her kidneys got clogged causing her to pass on. :) . *Hugs very tightly* Losing a loved one including an animal is depressing, just remember, it's not your fault. If there was something on my kitten Isabelle's bum, I would wash it off with soap and water asap. Now I know to just leave it untill we can take her to the vet and ask about her. It's not your fault. Just relax. Turn your frown upside down!


I'm so so sorry about your little Kitten. :(

When you were holding her belly under that tap some blood might have went to her head, or even some water!

How cold/hot was the water? When little Kittens are that small they can die from shock.

How tight were you holding her?

And liek the others said, was she allready ill?

And also, when did you get her/how old is she?


diva99, obviously you're upset, but try to do some fun things to take your mind off your kitten. :D

When an animal of mine has died, I always sing, read comics, phone a friend, dance, draw, watch cartoons.

Your kitten is in a better place now, please don't worry.

I know it's easier said than done. I'm so sorry about it all, really. :(

.:: Hot Banana ::.

OMG! I feel so sorry for you! :rolleyes: Did you have the kittens mother with you? Or did you only have the kitten? If the kitten has some pop on her, you could've just wiped it off, or the kitten would have licked it off on it's own. Cat's are very clean animals, not ot mention extremely tidy.

My two cat's- Tangy and Melon were adopted by the humaine society in whitby, ontario. Tangy was a young orange female tabby with a white chest and paws, and with her was her only surviving kitten---- Melon. The humain society has already gave them their shots--- Thats why they're very healthy kitties. Melon and her mother Tangy have been with me for about four years now, and they're gone under some very tough times; fleas ( they got them from my poppa's house D:), Mange, ulcers, skin infections (Tangy's leg had some kind of weirdo skin infection...blech, it was all pus and....*pukes*...yuk.), and more. But they all got better.

That kitten must've been poorly treated ( I don't mean you, of coarse. I mean where you got the sweet kitty cat) Did the kitten get his/her shots? That might've been the main reason...

Oh dear, that's horrible. -givesdaisy-

She could have had an allergic reaction to the shampoo. Next time while having a pet bathed, make sure you have a parent or gaurdian with you to tell you if you are doing something wrong.

This is probably none of your fault. The kitten probably must have had some breathing issues or problems. Just think; God probably needed another angel. She's safe and happy now, so don't worry about it.

-hugs you-

Are you sure the shampoo you were using was safe? She could have been ill but I think that's been covered ;)

:p I still miss my persian kitty that died. I know how it feels. Oh Montego, if only you were here.
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