I cant get more than 130 points in a day?


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Well-known member
Apr 27, 2006
Reaction score
No matter how hard I try, I just cant seem to get more than 130 points in a day playing my V2's games.

Game#1- goes too fast, and my fingers get in the way.

Game#2- power bar was full, and my tama weighed 25, it never got past level 1...

Game#3- I hit the ball 3 times, then it quickly moves to the right, and I cant press the button fast enough to hit it in time...

Any tips for me?

for game # 3, you should move back to the middle after hitting each ball. it's easier to reach any location that way. Hope i was some help! :p

Try putting the tama down on a table and using your pointer fingers on the buttons instead of your thumbs. Fingers are faster. Use your thumbs to hold the tama steady. Works for me. I can do the Musical Get with fingers but not so good with thumbs.

You can get more than 130 points in a day. If at first you don't sucseed, try , try, again.

Once your tama is an adult you get SLOT on V2.

Feed your adult loads of apples (it won't be sick now its an adult) set the bet to 9p and just play non-stop. you won't win every time but just one '0' will give you 72pts, and 3'0's will give you 900. After about 5mins playing slot you'll have so many points you won't know what to do with them!

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for game # 3, you should move back to the middle after hitting each ball. it's easier to reach any location that way. Hope i was some help! ;)

Wow thanks good idea. I did a little better on the games today, so trying enough did help. :D :)

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