I can't help liking him...


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Well-known member
Nov 26, 2005
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So lately I've been sitting next to this boy alot accidentally, and I get along (In my opinion) quite well with him and I've told him some secrets of mine. And me and a few other people have been doing that "Who would you rather go out with game?" and I got the option of him and someone else. I picked him. He saw.

Anyway, I can't stop thinking about him and whenever I do I get butterflies. I really like him, alot. What should I do. My friends would probably think I'm crazy. I think he likes someone else though, and I could never beat her by a mile. This is really hard to deal with and I need help, I trust him more than my friends and I don't like doing that but it happens. I've known him for AGES but I've always liked him, but now I like him way too much. Help! :D


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Okay, back up.

Why do you think your friends would think you're crazy for liking this guy :furawatchi: ? Is he not viewed as "popular" B) ? If that's what you're worried about; don't be :eek: ! There's nothing wrong with crushing on a guy who isn't the most gorgeous or well-liked. There's plenty of people out there who are average-looking and just one of the crowd who are actually great, wonderful people. And who cares about popularity B) , anyways? If you're just worried that your friends won't accept him, I say go for it. As long as this guy treats you and others with respect and kindness (and he's fun to be around), popularity issues should not interfere with anything :D .

And okay, don't worry about competing with this other girl he supposedly likes. Looks are just the first thing that guys notice about you. If you don't have a good personality, they won't stay for long (well, some do, but they have issues). Just be yourself, and let him figure out which one of you he likes best. I'll bet it'll be you :) .

If this guy is the one for you, and your heart is leading you towards him, just go for it girl! Listen to your heart. Always.

Thank you so much, it's given me a confidence boost, most defiently.

They would think I'm crazy because he's Quite popular and they all know he's the class clown and that he likes (Lets call her S) S. Plus, it's hard to tell my friends I like him, since they do that Sitting in a tree thing :furawatchi:

Thank you so much, it's given me a confidence boost, most defiently.They would think I'm crazy because he's Quite popular and they all know he's the class clown and that he likes (Lets call her S) S. Plus, it's hard to tell my friends I like him, since they do that Sitting in a tree thing  :D
Oh! So that's why you are afraid of telling your friends! You think they will just make a big deal out of it! If that's the case, keep it to yourself for now. When you feel that they've earned your trust, then consider telling them about your crush. For now, if you would like to talk to someone about it, talk to a parent (hey, it's not that scary!) or one friend who you know will not make fun of you for it. You can also talk to Tamatalk members, like you have already.

You can talk to me if you need anything. I totally understand your feelings. Plus, I am a good listener :furawatchi: .

Oh, and I'm sure that your friends aren't trying to hurt your feelings or embarrass you. I've had a few friends who would do this. Just try explaining to them that you want to keep your feelings private. They just might not know that you want to be secretive. Some girls are more public with these kind of things, and some are not. Your friends just might not know what makes you more comfortable.

Thank you <3

One last thing (Lets say the boy I like is R)

Ok, I'm going to be away from R for 2 weeks (Holiday ect.) but he's still going to be at school.

He may get on with S really well, or just make that the time to make more fun of me :furawatchi:

But, I really want to tell my Best Friend that I like him, but she might tell him, then when I go back the whole class'll laugh at me :D

What? :D This guy makes fun of you? Wait, does he truly seek to hurt you are you just being self-conscious? If this guy is really your friend, and deserves your love and trust, he would never do that.

If you don't think that you can trust your best friend with who you like, don't tell her. This is something that you just have to trust your gut instinct about. If you really want to tell her, though, tell her in private. Also make sure that she knows that she must not tell anyone else. If she is truly your friend, she won't mess things up for you. Good luck :furawatchi: .

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What? :furawatchi: This guy makes fun of you? Wait, does he truly seek to hurt you are you just being self-conscious? If this guy is really your friend, and deserves your love and trust, he would never do that.
Ooh I didn't explain.

We were on a trip last week and we stopped at a toilet stop in a centre.

We went into the toilets and all the girls started chatting and automatically lining up as we came out the toilets.

R said that the door behind us looked like a Prison cell, then he started saying why we were arrested for a joke:

(All these letters, lets say are my friends and the " marks are what R said about them)

A "For being normal"

B "For being quiet"


Then when he got to me he whispered something to his friend and his friend burst out laughing and said "Thats Harsh"

I don't understand that, because R is always really nice on his own with me and keeps making constant eye contact :D

I see. You are worried about the things that R says that you don't hear. He may be saying nice things, hinting that he likes you. He may also be saying mean things. I would suggest that you ask your friends about the things he says about you, without seeming too suspicious. As I've said before, you've just got to trust your gut.

Well, I've run this over in my head, and here's how I think it's going to go...

I email my friend telling her I like R.

She tries and holds it in, accidentally tells R.

He pretends not to hear.

His friend hears.

His friend tells S.

I come back and...Well I just gotta be prepared, I suppose. :p

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Tell your friend if she tells anyone, I will get her x3

Don't email her, emails can be read if anyone gets her password!

And don't think of the worst. Just don't think that everything will be fine when you get back. To be honest, I think this dude does actually like you. >.<

No one just insults people, unless they are jealous or you've done something to them. He is probably trying to be hard in front of his friends, that's why he's nice to you when you're alone ^.^


Keep us posted


[SIZE=8pt]Well, I'm going to try and invite my friend over tomorrow, to tell her >.< [/SIZE]

I probably will come back and the whole world knows, but I'll just deal with it.

All my friends fancy R's friend in a way, that's another reason why it's SO awkward :mellow:

To be honest, his friend drives me insane, and he's the last person I'd trust [For so many reasons >_<] like he used to be my boyfriend :eek: But I like R more than him.

My life's a mess at the moment, my friends are ignoring me, I don't know why (I've texted and phoned them billions of times but none of them will pick up or reply) So I think someone's spread something around -_-

My life's a mess at the moment, my friends are ignoring me, I don't know why (I've texted and phoned them billions of times but none of them will pick up or reply) So I think someone's spread something around :huh:
That really stinks :( . I think that you should talk to your friends in person and see what's up. I'm sure everything's fine, though. Why do you think that people are spreading rumors about you <_< ?

Because I had to sit next to R 5 times on a bus, accidentally. They all think that I just kept pretending I couldn't find a seat when actually another guy ticked me off sat in my seat and kept doing it so I had to sit next to R >.< That was before I liked R, to be honest :lol:

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Ahh...love. Very beautiful yet fascinating. Hasn't really worked out for me usually because people always change their minds, you know what I mean? Of course, I felt that way about only 2 people in my life. Glitter, whatever happens, I promise you, it'll be ok. I went through it. If it doesn't work out, time will heal it. Amazingly, I have fallen in love with someone I sit next to...that was just last year haha. It ached because I mean, he didn't like me at all. Maybe you should go look at some love quotes...they're very sympathetic, I think. You might also want to check out some of the quizes that exist about if it's true love or not.

And if you really believe these rumors going around, go ahead and ask him out. I'm sorry if it doesn't work out, but then the problem will be out of your way.

Good luck always!

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Hey everyone!

Thank you for all your support, but things aren't going well...

Okay, first my friend makes up a rumor that I like R. He thought it was fake.

Then, today, they find out that it's true, now everyone knows except him.

I feel like my life is over, now ._.

^ Look on the bright side, It could be a good thing. Maybe if he finds out, it can take your relationship to a new level, maybe he kind of likes you :]

Thanks, Catwoman. But I'm not sure. >.< I guess I'll never know...

^ Sometimes, things are better if you just ask him what's going on.

But if you are too shy to do that, then just ask him out... The worst he can do is say no... But I promise, if he does say no (I will definitely attack him with a spatular) you will get over with it. There are plenty more fish in the sea!

I know you probably won't like hearing that, but trust me, everything will be okay ^.^


Tips to ask a guy out:

1. Do it when he's alone, and face to face.

2. If he says no, ask him if he won't mind not telling anyone.

3. If he says yes, say, "Cool" or something, don't just stand there. AWKWARD.


Hope it goes well!

Well, over a year ago, my friends all like this grade 10 at the time, and we were in grade 9.

Like, EVERYONE that was my friend liked him, it was insane.

I kept telling myself that I didn't like him, but..

I did

I didn't tell any of my friends

and me and this guy were friends, and we flirted a lot.

then I started this game where we both told each other a fact about the person we liked

things he said leaded to me, but could've been any of my friends

the next day, I gave up, and told him I liked him

He liked me too, and we've been going out for over 13 months now :huh:

But since I didn't tell my friends, they stop hanging out with me, only a few stayed.

In your case that should be fine if you don't tell them because they don't like him, and you probaly didn't lie to them... haa

In my case my bff liked him and when I told her that we were going out... the next week she stopped talking to me and claimed it was something else. yeah, right.

Were friends again... but one of my friends never came back.

Just don't lie to your friends, you could loose them.

Hope I helped.

. ! Roxygirl26 ! .

Roxygirl, although that post confused me a bit, it has helped. Thank you :)

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