I can't it anymore.


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What I do is I forget about the guy, improve my looks (a lot) and flaunt and flirt with guys till no tomorrow. except usually I never liked the guy, but he liked me, and then very rudely came up to me and says, "I DONT CARE ABOUT YOUR UGLY FACE ANYMORE CAUSE IM GOING OUT WITH SO AND SO" Or some variation of that, so I feel the need to make them SORRY THEY EVER DID THAT. They come back in about 2 days. For you, I'd forget the guy, and move on with your life. Remember, use your brain, not your heart, and hence my signature, before you make someone your everything, be prepared to have nothing.

I'm sorry. <_< You just have to let it go. It's okay that you are talking again, but I wouldn't recommend dating him again. Not if he is just going to dump you again...

Sometimes when I'm feeling down, this song makes me feel better.

Good luck. :)

You'll have your good relationships and some bad ones.

Reflect on the good parts, not the bad. Try to move on, find another... Maybe a person who has been there for the longest time... You may never know, they might like you back.

Its hard sometimes to ignore things like that, I know too well... But if it's possible, leave the situation for a while.... Do something to get them out of your mind. Something you enjoy.

Things have gotten...erm...well, better I guess you could say. We have started talking.

Today I stood with him during class pictures and after it was done, he was like rubbing himself and I'm like, "wtff? :p " and then he laughed and said, "Yeah you know you like that....you know you wanna see my boxers again." I hate how he can make me laugh so hard, but also make me cry harder then I've ever cried before.

Awwh TGD, Dun think like that!

I've known you for quite a long time, you're a very pretty and ultra-nice person!

It'll all peice together, jus' wait n' see! :3

*Huggles* :p



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