I change the time a lot.


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Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score
Kansas City, Missouri
I am constantly changing the time on my tamagotchi. He's been going to sleep at 8 o'clock his time, and that's annoying, because I only see my friends after 8. When it's set to go to bed at around midnight (my time), it ends up sleeping till around noon! I get bored so I end up changing the time so he'll wake up. If I don't get to sleep 12 hours, why should he? :lol:

Does anyone know if there are any negative affects to doing this? Do their sleeping schedules change any as they age? I hope so! He sleeps too much!

There are probably no negative effects to shortening his sleep time, he will just age faster. Even though if you change the time after he goes to sleep to wake him up again, he will become a year older on his age counter. Their sleeping schedules do shorten slightly as they age, but not by much. The less healthy characters tend to go to sleep later, around 10:00 and get up at 9:00 though different characters vary. They'll always get 11 or 12 hours sleep anyway! Hope this has helped! :lol:

actually i changed my time alot and it never got older i think its stupid idea to change the time alot

I change my tama time a lot but so far I haven't seen negative results it just sleeps more because of it status like if it is a toddler it will sleep more then an adult .

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i just change the time every morning and night so i can play with it and stuff, but i still got 3 good characters: :pochitchi: on my V2 B) on my V3 and :furawatchi: on my other V3



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