I didn't do my homework!


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Well-known member
Dec 9, 2005
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All you have to do is make up a random excuse for not having your homework. Nothing lame, like My dog ate it. Credit goes to *~Jess~*.

My excuse:

1. I was doing my homework when a raccoon ran in my window, and he started to take my homework, and I was like, "No! Don't take it, that's my homework!" And he's all like, "Not anymore, dork!" AND then, he ran off with it.


Teacher: Where's your homework?

Me: My dog ate it.

Teacher: I will NOT fall for....

Me: But I got it back.

Teacher: How...

Me: My dog took a dump and the paper went right through him. Here it is! *hands paper with doggy no-no stains and flies on it*

Teacher: You get a zero.

Me: *walks off to desk with sad look on face*

Me:I forgot it.


Me:At home.

Teacher:*Walks away*Yells:Im giving you a B for atleast doing it.You just forgot it a home.But you still did it right?

Me:Yes.*Peeks in desk*Hehe.I forgot it here.

Me:Miss,I forgot my homework.

Teacher:How did you forget it?

Me:Well,a Giant man eating cat sucked it up with it's vacuum like powers and I never got it back,kinda sad isen't it?

Teacher:....an A-!

Me:*sniffles*I hate mondays!

My homework got torn up when I fought a big bully who dared to say that you were a bad teacher!

Teacher: Where's your homework?

Me: I ate it. Because I didn't have any dinner, so I ate it because I was hungry.

Teacher: Okay....

Me: And then I threw it up and then I put it on my open window and it flew out.

Teacher: And...?

Me: That's the story. /.


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