I feel so different..


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Well-known member
Oct 26, 2006
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In Your Computer
I really regret everything in my life now.. I feel so miserable.. I have no one to hang out with, or to talk to in real life... Also my grades aren't the best.. Also my internet friends aren't even on anymore.. I have one question Whenever I hear the lamest or stupidest joke I laugh, things in the past I would never laugh at, or get happy about. How come?

Whenever I get one ounce of fun I always end up ruining it, or taking it the wrong way.. :\ The more I think about my life now, the more upset I get..

~Please help

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I have recently gone through a situation similar to yours.

All I have to say is to be patient. While it may not seem like, things will get better. They got better for me and they will get better for you. Talking to your parents as Lady_Shay suggested is also a wonderful idea. Your parents can support you and give you advice as to what you need to do.

As to your question, you laugh at things you normally wouldn't laugh at because when somebody is in this situation they tend to grab at anything that could perk them up.

As for the friends issue, make new ones. I also felt that I had no friends because they left me which utterly turned my life upside down. But try talking to new people if the ones you used to talk to don't talk to you anymore. I'm positive that you will have friends.

And the grades...that could just be a result from your current mood. When I was feeling like this, my grades also weren't as good as they could've been. But just stick it out and wait a little.

Everything will get better. :]

Stick it out. Crap happens. You gotta roll with it. Once, a lawyer dude from that one movie with batman in it said "The night is always darkest before the dawn." And then he got arrested. So you should listen to what he said :0
The Dark Knight always has answers, and Feebee knows that apparently, feebee, this is why you pwn ;D

I really regret everything in my life now.. I feel so miserable.. I have no one to hang out with, or to talk to in real life... Also my grades aren't the best.. Also my internet friends aren't even on anymore.. I have one question Whenever I hear the lamest or stupidest joke I laugh, things in the past I would never laugh at, or get happy about. How come?
Whenever I get one ounce of fun I always end up ruining it, or taking it the wrong way.. :\ The more I think about my life now, the more upset I get..

~Please help
I don't know how old you are but I'll give some general recommendations

1-I second talking to your parents if you feel comfortable doing so. Not everyone has approachable or emotionally available parents. If you have any relative or one person to talk to in person, do so.

2-Forget internet friends--the less you have pulling you to the internet, the better. I also found having a myspace and facebook depressing in some ways which is one but not the only reason I deleted all my "social" networking accounts.

3-Find what you like to do for hobbies and then join up with people who have the same interests..or if you're in school or college, join a club if there's any.

4-If you're not laughing at lame or stupid jokes, it's probably because you've grown out of it and your sense of humor has changed.

I'd advise more but I don't know your age or what specific problems there might be so I think it's better just to post my list of four above.

We all have awkward periods in our life when friends might drift away and we feel lonely. It's happened to me.

In the mean time, it's a great time to keep chugging along in school. Bring up your grades, you'll not regret that. Make that a goal since the end of the school year is somewhat soon. You'll feel way better if you consontrate on that.

Yeah, everyone knows how to bring their grades up.


Just talk to your parents or try to hang out with some old friends and bring your old self back.

And I'm still on line so what you talking about all your old friends left?

Thanks guys. I kinda snapped out of it. :]

I brung my grades up.. I went from a 71 in Algebra to a 80, and I went from a 73 to 79 in English. Ah... my good grades are going to come again soon. Also I aced today's Math quiz, and English Quizzes :DD

Also I got rid of my crazy internet addiction, I only spent 2 hours on the internet day, AND I played outside the other day!!


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