I feel so mixed up right now.


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Well-known member
Sep 23, 2005
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Above the forty-ninth.
Two months ago I was dating this guy I've known since preschool, Justin. He was really sweet and everything, but he was going way to fast for me and I asked if we could be friends. He agreed, and we lived happily.

While I was dating him he always picked on my best friend, calling her names that I can't really type on TT, and hitting her. A week or two after I broke up with him I discovered that he asked out one of my other friends. Alright, no big deal. He started Instant-messaging her about me-her-Justin threesomes, and I was thoroughly disgusted. She rejected him, which I later thanked her for, and again, we were living happily.

Three days later, my best friend Brienna calls me after school saying, "You won't believe what Justin just asked me on msn....he asked me out to the movies."

If I was alone I would have screamed.

She explained that she said yes only if there was no kissing/making out, hugs to a minimal, and hand-holding to a minimal. That made me feel a tinge betetr, but on the inside I was still extremely peeved off. They went to the movies, which I happily did not attend with them, and apparently Brienna didn't do anything but watch the movie xD.

The next week (which was last Friday, ironically), there was a school dance, which pretty near all of us attended. I flyed solo with my other buds, while Brienna went with Justin and another couple we're friends with. Everything went spectacular, we were all even dancing along to the macerana (however you spell it) and the Cha Cha Slide.

During the last three slow songs of the night, any of us that weren't slow dancing or sitting down talking (which were, Me, and my friends Melissa and April) were singing along at the top of our lungs. During 'Teardrops On My Guitar' Brienna and Justin were dancing a few meteres infront of me, and when the chorus started, they kissed. Let me just say I could no longer sing because my voice cracked.

I broke up with him because of fear, and even though I didn't tell anybody, I had questioned whether I still liked him.

Now, every slow or acoustic song I hear makes me want to cry, and whenever I'm eating lunch at school around them, I'm forced to act friendly. I definitely don't hate my friend, but one of these days I'm gonna end up screaming around them.

And tonight I'm going to the movies with all my friends, and I'd put money on them kissing again.

I am terribly sorry about the long post, but can anybody tell me what to do to atleast make me feel more comfortable while they're together?

Thanks you guys for listening, you are honestly the only ones I've told, and the only ones who will know.


~Kelsey (Me)

if i was in that puzition i would tell your friend that u still might like this guy and that if she likes him fine but ask her not to be all lovey dovey around cause it just not confturble 4 u yet. And if she doesn't care she not a true friend hope it all works out good luck

M'mkay, here it goes.

First of all, I think you have a slight case of.. jealously. Humans want what they don't have. WhatI mean is you broke up with him, but you think you like him again because you see him with someone else.

Just ignore it, because it's garunteed they will end. Relationships around our age always do. It's alright to be a little mad, but don't go all Hulk or anything, lol.

It might be hard, but there ARE other guys, and I'm not lying.

Let Brienna get all 'mushy' with Justin, you'll have more fun at the movies with your friends than them anyways :]

I can understand how you feel. I'm actually best friends with my ex that I dated long term for 2 years.

He and I stayed friends after that and had lots of time to heal and help our friendship go back to what it was before we dated. Well friend I met in college broke up with her significant other because he was overly controlling so I urged him on to go for it and get together with her. I felt great for helping my friend make a push to see this new friend of mine. Only thing that was still on my end was baggage still from the whole break up itself. I wasn't entirely over it.

My best friend and I had a lot of testing moments during our friendship, and that probably was the hardest most difficult test or road of any of them. After a good while of self reflection and a lot of talking through it all, My best friend and I managed to get our friendship back on track and now it's better than it ever was. 7-8 years strong.

He's engaged to that college friend now and in all honesty it was easier to handle once I let go and just being Jon's best friend instead of being friends with both people (still get along with the girl, no worries there, just not as buddy buddy as once was when I started college). All of it happened for a reason and I could not be happier than I'm invited to Jon's wedding.

Anyway point I was attempting to make in my story was it'll take time for this adjustment. Just focus on being happy for your best friend and trust me, it'll be hard right now and you'll be wondering if you like this guy still or not (I went through the same thing), but if it's truly overwelming for you right now just take a time out from everyone and just do some self reflecting, like I did. Write it all down, let yourself cry. Punch that pillow, do whatever it takes to help relieve yourself from the overwelming feelings.

Once you get a clear head on the whole situation, sort yourself out with your bff. Whatever happens with her and that guy you can be there to support, and in time, you know you've done the right thing.

Good luck and I really hope you feel better soon

For those of you who say, "relationships at our age don't last" I beg to differ. I am in the 6th grade, and two of my friends in my grade are dating, and they've been dating for over a year now.

Anyway, I'm not too good on these topics. But I have to say I agree completely with TigerLily013.

I agree with TigerLily013. Things have changed. When did he hit her/call your best friend names?

Kelsey, you may have a small case of jealousy. It's inhuman not to have any. But anyhow, I suggest talking to her, and about the promise she made.

I agree with TigerLily013. Things have changed. When did he hit her/call your best friend names?
Tama*Lover --> While I was dating him. Now it's a total role-reversal (minus the punching...yet). So...Around Late October-Mid-November if you wanted dates.


Tamaroxyoursox & tamtamkitty07 --> I know I'm a bit jealous, I just have no sweet clue why. I've given up trying to find out, too.

I'm glad she's happy and everything, so I might as well leave it at that.

Thank you guys so much for replying, you are all really, really awesome that way.


I was with someone named Justin before I hooked up with my, now, husband. We were together for 9 months, he promised me we would be together forever, he loved me, I was his first love and final. He broke up with me to date his best friends girlfriend (she broke up with her boyfriend that night for him) and I was crushed. I cried for 2 weeks straight. When I finally crawled out of the hole of despair and sorrow I had thrown myself in I started dating my husband and lived happily ever after.

My point is, it hurts. It can hurt worse than anything you have ever felt. And even if it doesnt hurt that you arent with him anymore, it will still hurt (in one way or another) to see him with others. I still hate talking to Justin or hearing about him or seeing his ex's. He got married, had 2 kids, and none of his relationships have been successful. And I know it sounds vindictive, but I am glad that he isnt happy because he hurt me so bad. You will most likely always hate to see him with anyone, it doesnt mean you like him or love him, it just means that you remembered when he was with you and you thought it was something special and to see him do it with someone else makes you feel like you were nothing. (Am I right? Cause I know thats what I felt when me and Justin split)

Sorry if this sounds wierd or anything, thats just the way I see things and I am wondering if you are seeing it the same way I am or not.

I was with someone named Justin before I hooked up with my, now, husband. We were together for 9 months, he promised me we would be together forever, he loved me, I was his first love and final. He broke up with me to date his best friends girlfriend (she broke up with her boyfriend that night for him) and I was crushed. I cried for 2 weeks straight. When I finally crawled out of the hole of despair and sorrow I had thrown myself in I started dating my husband and lived happily ever after.
My point is, it hurts. It can hurt worse than anything you have ever felt. And even if it doesnt hurt that you arent with him anymore, it will still hurt (in one way or another) to see him with others. I still hate talking to Justin or hearing about him or seeing his ex's. He got married, had 2 kids, and none of his relationships have been successful. And I know it sounds vindictive, but I am glad that he isnt happy because he hurt me so bad. You will most likely always hate to see him with anyone, it doesnt mean you like him or love him, it just means that you remembered when he was with you and you thought it was something special and to see him do it with someone else makes you feel like you were nothing. (Am I right? Cause I know thats what I felt when me and Justin split)

Sorry if this sounds wierd or anything, thats just the way I see things and I am wondering if you are seeing it the same way I am or not.
You read my mind actually xD


if i was in that puzition i would tell your friend that u still might like this guy and that if she likes him fine but ask her not to be all lovey dovey around cause it just not confturble 4 u yet. And if she doesn't care she not a true friend hope it all works out good luck
Take a look at my siggy. :rolleyes:

I was with someone named Justin before I hooked up with my, now, husband. We were together for 9 months, he promised me we would be together forever, he loved me, I was his first love and final. He broke up with me to date his best friends girlfriend (she broke up with her boyfriend that night for him) and I was crushed. I cried for 2 weeks straight. When I finally crawled out of the hole of despair and sorrow I had thrown myself in I started dating my husband and lived happily ever after.
My point is, it hurts. It can hurt worse than anything you have ever felt. And even if it doesnt hurt that you arent with him anymore, it will still hurt (in one way or another) to see him with others. I still hate talking to Justin or hearing about him or seeing his ex's. He got married, had 2 kids, and none of his relationships have been successful. And I know it sounds vindictive, but I am glad that he isnt happy because he hurt me so bad. You will most likely always hate to see him with anyone, it doesnt mean you like him or love him, it just means that you remembered when he was with you and you thought it was something special and to see him do it with someone else makes you feel like you were nothing. (Am I right? Cause I know thats what I felt when me and Justin split)

Sorry if this sounds wierd or anything, thats just the way I see things and I am wondering if you are seeing it the same way I am or not.
You know I get how you feel. I thought I'd want Jon to go through the same pain with his next relationship but in all honesty now, I'm happy to see him committing to someone and being so happy.

In that kind of situation I guess if anything happened in Jon's relationship, I'd be there to let him cry on and support him. But I get why you feel that way. Guess it's a little different if your ex is also your best friend. I'm glad you found your husband. Congrats on the relationship ^_^

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