I fell over


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Active member
Dec 23, 2008
Reaction score
I was in my chair

watching the screen

when a computer pop up

caused me to scream

The instant it came

I let out a noise

that scaird the whole neiborhood

all the girls and boys

after I screamed

I lost my place

I then hit the ground

straight flat on my face

it causeed me to cringe

it caused me to yelp

it caused to cry

cry out for help

I crawled to the stairs

to get to the phone

for it started ringing

despite my broken bone

I really hate pop-ups

now more than ever

I am in a wheel chair

due to this awful endever

as I crawled past the stairs

I lost my grip

and fell down those stairs

while doing a back flip

I really hurt now

and wish you would go

its cause of these pop ups

that my computer is slow

*takes a bow* Thank you. darn. I am in the wrong forum. sorry. please disregard this
