I found out how many gens you can go up to!


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it would take 19 years and 3 months if you always if you find a mate on your own and close to 25 years if you always waited for matchmaker.

it would take 19 years and 3 months if you always if you find a mate on your own and close to 25 years if you always waited for matchmaker.

i'll have 2 c how old i would be by then...



Yes, my keitamas (Japanese Tamagotchis) average just over one week per generation. I got them in mid-November 2005, and both are currently on generation 22.

Yeah, a generation is approximately one week. (unless you do the mate Ojitchi and Otokitchi thing, which Im gonna do with my v2 and my friend's v3 (I do have a v3 on 10g, but it's a boy not girl))

just now iv'e fineshed counting the weeks in a year.


uumm i cheated by looking at the end of my mum's daiary!

Yeah, a generation is approximately one week. (unless you do the mate Ojitchi and Otokitchi thing, which Im gonna do with my v2 and my friend's v3 (I do have a v3 on 10g, but it's a boy not girl))
Is it possible to mate a v2 with a v3 then???, as when I've connected them i've always got the 'secret' NAZOTCHI character show up un the friends list and only one face. I assumed that they weren't compatible as the characters were not all the same?

Also when connecting a v2 with a v3 you have to set the v1 option on the v2 as it doesn't recognise v3 because they weren't invented at the time. Also the babies are completely different on v2 and v3 so how do they show up?

Is it possible to mate a v2 with a v3 then???, as when I've connected them i've always got the 'secret' NAZOTCHI character show up un the friends list and only one face. I assumed that they weren't compatible as the characters were not all the same?Also when connecting a v2 with a v3 you have to set the v1 option on the v2 as it doesn't recognise v3 because they weren't invented at the time. Also the babies are completely different on v2 and v3 so how do they show up?
Ive mated MY OWN v2 and v3 twice. It shows up as Nazotchi, but they still mate. The babies come up like this:

If the v2 is the girl, then she hatches both babies as v2 Puchitchis like normal, and once one baby comes up to the v3's screen.. w00p! It turns into a v3 Teletchi! So thats how

Your Wrong, The highest generation is 99th.. I have gotten there.. Just keeps on saying 99g
Okay, that's what i thought all the time until i found that they can be up til 999 generations on a website, but i believe you if you say that you know it for a fact. ^^

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