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About 1 out of 3 girls are sexualy adused by the age of 18

1 out of 7 childern are abused

How many do you know can you afford the ignore it??

I actually disagree with this. You can't just go looking for people who are abused, weather it's sexually, physically, emotionally or mentally. In the placements I have been in I look for any signs of the children being abused and it's very hard to find. They don't just come upto you and 'Help me I'm being abused' they usually are abused so long it's the norm and get threatened that if they tell people bad things will happen to them and family. And then when you do find out there's steps you have to take - if you just go up to them and confront them they will take the child away and the abuse will still continue.

There are things to look for if they are being abused, but you can't tell by them just by walking past you.

its stupid though how people listen to other people when they say "oh, your ugly" or, "your too fat" or "your too tall" or call you "stutter mutter" because you stutter which is stupid cuz you have no control over speech... but i know alot of people who get teased all the time because they're "ugly", or "too tall" or "fat" and you know what they say to me? "i wish i was different".

those of you in my town who are reading this, i dont know if anyone is or not, but i have a friend who gets called "stutter mutter" because he stutters, and he cant control that.

i have friends who are blonde and die their hair cuz they get called "dumb blondes"

i think its pathetic. why listen to what people say? only listen if they say your beautiful, or if they say your amazing, if its mean and not worth u listening to, dont listen to it!

the people in this world are pathetic, they have the "beautiful models" who are "perfect" and with those beautiful men and ladies on the billboards, and on tv, they make everyone think, hmm, maybe if i was like them i'd be accepted!

it sickens me how what a person says about someone else can change their life forever, it can make them starve their selfs if their too fat, or stuff themselves if they're too skinny!

why dont people leave well enough alone and quit bugging people about how they look, or talk, or have or do anything else different(ly)

About 1 out of 3 girls are sexualy adused by the age of 181 out of 7 childern are abused

How many do you know can you afford the ignore it??
^ That was the part of the "poem" that hit home the most. I wasn't and am not currently being abused or anything. I'm just sensitve there. I don't know why... but one of my good friends was raped. She was too afraid to tell anyone, not even her mom. She finally broke down and told her mom and her boyfriend two months later, but at that point there was nothing anyone could do. And my friend was being nice. The man said he desperately needed to borrow her cellphone, so she let him. He was on for a while, and when he handed it back, he grabbed her and put her in his truck and raped her. :mellow: Then, he let her go and drove away.


Man, people are sick.



Wow. You have no idea absolutely how much this applies to my society. I am an outcast in all social groups in my society because I am the only open lesbian in my whole school. All the others are still in the closet with most people. How much of this applies to my directly? About 3 of those. That is more than enough. Why? That is all I ask, is this in every type of circumstance where people interact. Gee. I've nearly lost all faith in the majority of the human race. Now I'm sad...

Wow. You have no idea absolutely how much this applies to my society. I am an outcast in all social groups in my society because I am the only open lesbian in my whole school. All the others are still in the closet with most people. How much of this applies to my directly? About 3 of those. That is more than enough. Why? That is all I ask, is this in every type of circumstance where people interact. Gee. I've nearly lost all faith in the majority of the human race. Now I'm sad...
Oh god thats realy sad

I wanna be there to support you

And your friend Cinderpelt :)

i foind a youtube version *Warning contains pics with blood and like 1 or 2 pics of people kissing*
Ahh that made me cry :'(

its stupid though how people listen to other people when they say "oh, your ugly" or, "your too fat" or "your too tall" or call you "stutter mutter" because you stutter which is stupid cuz you have no control over speech
i agree with the stuttering. I stutter somtimes, and when i first entered my new school people were saying "she stutters". And one person, who was trying to be nice, came up to me and said "people say you stutter and i think it is mean to say that." But, its true. I don't stutter on every word, but it is random words. Like, i have said the name "joseph" a million times before and just the other day i was asking someone where he was and i ended up saying "do you know where j-jo-jos-j-josep-joseph is?" And they started cracking up. It is really hurtfull.


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u kno that it really is because of everything that it says but you just dont want to admit that you are judging people for what they look like when you should like them for who they are.

I like that but at the same time I find what it says unfair. How many of you set out to be these things? Maybe you are a beauty queen cause you dont know how else to feel loved. Maybe you are a geek because you cant reach out to people to be social. Maybe you take meds because you REALLY are ill. Maybe you can't get by without them. Maybe girls feel the need to act like sluts because thats what our media tells us men will want. How many of you have lost a crush to the 'popular' girls? Maybe you bring a gun to school because you know if you dont someone else is going to end up shooting you. If you want to live in a place without those things you're better off dead and in heaven. It wont ever happen here. I dont think it is because of our 'sinful nature' as someone has said, I think that is ignorant and unfair. We dont have a sinful nature, everything is like this for a reason and it isnt because some story about a woman eating some fruit. We made it like this, and how are we now supposed to change? Everything is so far gone. The best we can do is take care of ourselves and the ones we love. If we get caught up in what is wrong with the world, how will we ever make it right?
[SIZE=8pt]very well put! :eek: though i must say, I agree with paper*cut's post :eek: [/SIZE]

The thing is, sum peepol just have dark and dirty hearts and don't care for the people around them. Although sometimes it does have to do with cliques and the mean girls making the geeky math nerds feel down, many other things are tied to this. There are family matters too. There is also SELF judgement. If everyone was nice to each other and gave each other a chance, the world would be a better place. I'm not saying that I want rainbows and unicorns and huge lollipops and elfs gaily singing everywhere...but I just don't want bad things, you know? Also, it would be nice if everyone would stop changing themselves just to get people to like them. If someone doesn't like you for YOU, they are SO not worth it!

To make the world a better place, say at least five nice things every day! It will make you and the people around you happy. If we all try, the world will just keep on getting kinder and kinder.

Love and hugs,

Ch-ch-ch-ch-chatterbox!!! :mametchi:

Well, believe it or not. No matter how many people you get on humble little tamatalk to agree with you, there's nothing you can do about it. I dont mean to be a wet blanket, but I speak the truth.

-most emos don't do things to hurt others. they just want to be accepted-

If to be accepted is the reason people do bad things, that is just plain DUMB! D-U-M-B! There are other wayz 2 be accepted...WAY better ways. I mean (i know this may be a tad irrelivant...) I know this dude named Quincy and he's like a gangsta bet GET THIS; he's in chess club. I kno chess club is usually associated with geekys, but he's not! Kewl, huh?


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