I got a bunny!


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I gave CDB a couple names for her new cat, you might like some of them. ;]

Serenity [peace]

Aphrodite [greek goddess of love and beauty]

Iris [greek goddess of rainbows]

Hestia [greek goddess of the heath and domestic life]

Athena/Minerva [greek/roman goddess of wisdom]

Vest [roman goddess of fire]

Nyx [greek goddess of darkness/night]

Hemera [greek goddess of daylight]

I thought you might like some of those. The names are pretty unique and the meanings are neat.
Thanks tamaw/pants!
No prob. :]

[You can search google under Greek or Roman god/goddess [depending on the bunny's gender] lists and meanings to get more.]

Pwhee.. I love Greek names. But I don't really like the god/godess names since they bring about a connotation that I don't like. (Got that? D: They give a feeling to the word. Ex: Consequence had a negative connotation. But it is not nessesarily bad. There can be good consequences too.)

www.babynames.com for your needs. :D

A few names:



Biscuit (RabbitDog's rabbit is called that!)



I'll see if I think think of more. :p

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