I got sspended for 5 Days!


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Well-known member
Feb 28, 2009
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Nova scotia, Canada
I NEVER BEEN IN THIS KIND OF TROUBLE!!! I got in a fight with a girl named Monica! I did NOTHING to her!!! And because I DIDNT fight back, I LOOKED LIKE AN IDIOT!! My WHOLE entire grade SAW the fight and WONT stop talking about it!! The 7th and 8th graders KNOW TO!! I got beat up! I was bleeding a little! Blood on my favorite pants!! Well, I go back to school THIS Friday!!

1 week from now Wensday IS MY BIRTHDAY!!!! THIS IS GOING TO BE TORCHURE! Me AND Monica got suspended for 3 days!! SHE LIED SOOOOOOOOOO much I NEVER heard ANYBODY lie THAT much in my WHOLE LIFE!! I HATE HER! Well I Am going back soon on tuesday!

:( EDIT: monica got booted from school! she isn't allowed to come back and she has to get homeschooled. so she isnt in my school anyome. :(

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Okayy, I'm sorry about that.. didn't make much sense though.

She didn't just randomly fight, though, did she? you must have done something to provoke her?

You must of done something to get yourself in detention.

Every suspension happens for a reason.

I don't think teachers would be stupid enough to suspend someone for no reason.

Okayy, I'm sorry about that.. didn't make much sense though.She didn't just randomly fight, though, did she? you must have done something to provoke her?
She beated me up because i told her to get lost and leave me alone. she has a disorder that her mood changes randomly and gets angry for no reason. she got booted from school and she isn't alowed to come back. ^_^ she might got her period then, or maybe she was just having a bad day...or its her disorder. i donno. ^_^

You're going back to school on Tuesday, yet you've been suspended until Friday and today for you it's Wednesday?
And you've been suspended for five days, yet only three?

... WHUT?

I thought I already replied to this.

But yeah, that is more or less exactly what I wrote.

At my school, ANY fight is automatic five day out-of-school suspension. They have no patience for it. They don't care if didn't throw the first punch. You fight, you're out. Case closed, no discussion.

BUT, if you got BEAT UP and didn't FIGHT, this could be a different situation. I take it you were found by a supervisor / teacher / other personal during the incident? If they saw you do any sort of violent act, you're done. But, a lot of times adults at school jump to conclusions.

I dunno. My school has no tolerance for fights (because they actually happen quite frequently) and... have your mom call the school. She might not be able to change your punishment / suspension or fix your discipline record, but I think it would be worth it to make a point. School personal suck up to parents, especially at the middle school level.

*removed - off topic and intolerant*

And uh. I'm sorry. But won't it be better to let gossip blow over before you have to go back?

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I think that's so stupid. If she beat you up, you get suspended? My parents would sue the school or something.

Also, you have the right to defend and protect yourself. The risk of getting hurt is worse than your risk of getting in trouble.

Sorry, all you can do now is be happy you don't have to go to school for 5 days. That's really unfair, I'm with you.

We get in-school suspension for fighting. Two fights this year. The police had to come to solve the problem. If you got suspended, there probably was a reason. When you get back to school, ask the principal

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