I gots a problem


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Little Artist

Active member
May 20, 2008
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Ok i get jealous of my friend easily. She bought this really cute top and i wanted it so bad. Anyways i just get jealous of my friend. Please help me.

no offense but its kinda mean that you would get jealous of your friend because of a top, but, is she trying to make you jealous? like on purpose? if so, she is not a good friend at all and you should forget her, but if not, then calm down. sometimes ppl are jealous of their friends but its a phase. tell her how you feel, im sure you'll work things out. but seriously a top is not a good reason to be jealous >_>;

Hm, maybe you can get the top that looks like it, in a different color by a different brand?

Oh, and if you're easily jealous, just keep reminding yourself to be happy for others and try to support them.

Little Artist you shouldn't get jealous of her. ^.^ You should be happy for her then it'll make you feel so much better. You won't even mind about the top. Just give her a compliment and you'll feel so much better. And then you could save up for a top like hers. Hope you work it out.

Getting jealous is the way you , unintentionally, want to get her jealous.

Explanation : You are jealous of her, this apparently gets on your nerves. Why ? Because you are jealous of the jealousy you feel for her. And actually, you want her (and maybe others) to be jealous of you, because in some way, you feel left behind.

Yeah that seems weird, but this is my opinion about your story, and you're not the only one that is like this, don't worry :D

Moussette the super-psychologist :D :D :D

Uhm what starlight said lol don't try to be like your friend just be you I get jealous of my sister sometimes because she gets like everything she wants but oh well I know I'm awesome the way I am anyway so yea. :furawatchi:

No offense or anything, but it's only a top. Nothing to fuss about.
exactly, no offense, but i wouldnt be ur friend if u would be jealous of me over a top. my friend katie has a lot of cute tops i like and i dont make a topic on the internet saying im soooooo jealous of her cause im not, its calld....


[SIZE=7pt]Let's please not be mean or offensive about it.[/SIZE]

I'm sure that you like your friend's top, but you don't have to let your jealousy take over.

There are alot of other nice tops out there, and that's only one of them.

Sure you can like her top, but if you find another one, maybe you'll like it even more.

What may make you feel really nice is complimenting her on the shirt.

Being happy for her would be a nice thing to be.

She did nothing wrong buying a nice t-shirt.

In fact, she may not even know that you wanted the same one.

Maybe you should nicely ask her that.

No reason to be super-jealous, if you think about it. :)

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Hmm... I get pretty jealous too.

There's not really anything that can make you not jealous. But my advice would be to just try your best to ignore the feeling and be happy for your friend. Think of all the nice things you have that she may be jealous of. ;)

If it's a cool top and you're jealous of it, make your own or something. Maybe take one of your blank shirts of the same colour and put the same pattern on it. Or, something that you like even more.

And like **UrItChI** said, there are many other nice tops in the world.

It's really dumb to get jealous. Envy is a waste of time. Just try to be gratful for what you have.

[SIZE=8pt]It's just a top!! You can't have everything, and there will be things that you want but can't have in life! Be happy for her, and ask to borrow it! She hasn't done anything wrong in buying herself a top!!! Just stop sizzling over and [/SIZE]

a ) Get over it (in the nicest way possible!)

b ) Ask to borrow it

c ) Buy one of the same, or one that is slightly different

d ) Just be happy for her and forget it!



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Why be jealous? It's just a top! Just be greateful for what you have. Some people don't even have a roof over their heads or a decent top. Keep that in mind.

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