I hate my current life..


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Sep 30, 2007
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Well I'm very depressed and been crying. My friends are mean to me but I don't know why.. My parents have been grouchy lately.. I've been accused of copying.. The teachers have been mean also.. My parents won't let me on TT as much.. And homework is giving me an even harder time.. I feel life a peice of trash.. :mellow: :eek: :( I write my feelings down in a journal but it doesn't work.. I have a fish and I talk to it but that doesn't work.. I can't talk to my parents because they are always busy.. I don't wanna go to a therapist.. I don't know what to do other than cry in my room all day.. I feel like I wanna die.. Is there anyway that could help me? :D :D :D

I sure hope you don't die!! :D

Okay, your just feeling sad, and maybe your not to sure why, and your head keeps on telling you that their's somethign wrong with your life, when in reality, there isn't!!

Everyone is great, and you are too! Your problems are normal, and everyone else has to deel with the same thing, and some people even have to deal with WAY more! Your not trash, your upset. You can cry all you want but what is that gonna do? It's just gonna remind you why your crying, and you'll cry more. Not a smart way to spend all your free-time, hmm? :p

You have friends, and even if they are being mean, that is what friends do! You just remember who you are and dont bother. If they are mean and they are saying something wrong that you did (if you upset them-causing them to BE mean) then listen, and say sorry. If they dont listen to YOU, you should go find better friends :) But all together, they love you! :D

TT, isn't a way to spend your life. Your parents may want you to cut back on TT because they care about you, and they want you to have a good time, and stop being on the computer so much :D Why else would they do it? I'm sure its not because their evil ;)

Fish cant talk back! No wonder it doesn't work! Why do you tell a fish your problems anyway, when you could be pushing your simple problems aside, and find some more ways to have fun, like hanging out with your friends!

To fix the journal thing, just only write in it after you had a blast! (yes, if you try you will have a blast everyday!) Then go back to it, and relize how wonderful everything is! Or better yet... DONT USE A JOURNAL, and stay more busy with your life!

-C'mon, you know you want to have fun!

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you know there are people who dont have parents or a good education. maybe just go to a therapist. they can help. and if the kids make fun of u for going there just know that they are dumb people becus theres nothing wrong with getting help mentally. you should know that. keep it in mind.

I sure hope you don't die!! :D
Okay, your just feeling sad, and maybe your not to sure why, and your head keeps on telling you that their's somethign wrong with your life, when in reality, there isn't!!

Everyone is great, and you are too! Your problems are normal, and everyone else has to deel with the same thing, and some people even have to deal with WAY more! Your not trash, your upset. You can cry all you want but what is that gonna do? It's just gonna remind you why your crying, and you'll cry more. Not a smart way to spend all your free-time, hmm? :D

You have friends, and even if they are being mean, that is what friends do! You just remember who you are and dont bother. If they are mean and they are saying something wrong that you did (if you upset them-causing them to BE mean) then listen, and say sorry. If they dont listen to YOU, you should go find better friends :D But all together, they love you! :D

TT, isn't a way to spend your life. Your parents may want you to cut back on TT because they care about you, and they want you to have a good time, and stop being on the computer so much :D Why else would they do it? I'm sure its not because their evil :D

Fish cant talk back! No wonder it doesn't work! Why do you tell a fish your problems anyway, when you could be pushing your simple problems aside, and find some more ways to have fun, like hanging out with your friends!

To fix the journal thing, just only write in it after you had a blast! (yes, if you try you will have a blast everyday!) Then go back to it, and relize how wonderful everything is! Or better yet... DONT USE A JOURNAL, and stay more busy with your life!

-C'mon, you know you want to have fun!
I agree with most of this except the fish comment. Sometimes when I don't have someone to talk to I like to talk to my cats and tell them how I'm feeling outloud. You'd be surprised sometimes how listening can be just as good as communicating back. Telling one's pet about their thoughts and feelings is no problem at all, and is a creative way to let off some steam, so don't knock it till you tried it :D

I'd do it to a cat or dog, unless you only have a fish! XD

I have a lot of fish, and when I talk to them, I feel like I'm wasting my breath because they look like they dont care :D

If I cry, my dog comes to me and cuddles me, and I tell him my problem, as he looks at me and sits on my lap. Then I'd tell him that it'll be okay, and he jumps up, kisses/licks me, and trys to play with me, as he jumps around the room 'cause he's glad to see me happy again.

My chinchilla wont even listen to me :D

But I guess that I'm different, fish are just hard to talk to for me, but I guess that it's not the same for everyone! XD

I'd do it to a cat or dog, unless you only have a fish! XD
I have a lot of fish, and when I talk to them, I feel like I'm wasting my breath because they look like they dont care :D

If I cry, my dog comes to me and cuddles me, and I tell him my problem, as he looks at me and sits on my lap. Then I'd tell him that it'll be okay, and he jumps up, kisses/licks me, and trys to play with me, as he jumps around the room 'cause he's glad to see me happy again.

My chinchilla wont even listen to me :D

But I guess that I'm different, fish are just hard to talk to for me, but I guess that it's not the same for everyone! XD
Exactly. It's all how you see your pet be it cat, dog, fish, lizard...etc.

I have not been at this site for long, but the onlly topics i see are ones that say "I hate my life" "My life stinks" "im emo" "I wanna die" "My parents hate me". I am sorry that you feel this way but grow up! Do your parents beat you? Mentaly abuse you? No? Your life is fine. You may not have many friends, but who does? And school is hard? WOW what else is new. AND you are refusing to go to a therapist JUST SO you can say "I hate my life and i have no one to talk to." And don't say i am being mean, i am full of tough love baby.


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Just focus on the good things in life...

If your feeling down, look at the sky and think about the beauty of the earth.

If your feeling sad, look at the beautiful autumn weather.

Don't just always feel sorry for yourself. Focus on the good, leave out the bad.

Well I'm very depressed and been crying. My friends are mean to me but I don't know why.. My parents have been grouchy lately.. I've been accused of copying.. The teachers have been mean also.. My parents won't let me on TT as much.. And homework is giving me an even harder time.. I feel life a peice of trash.. :D :D :p I write my feelings down in a journal but it doesn't work.. I have a fish and I talk to it but that doesn't work.. I can't talk to my parents because they are always busy.. I don't wanna go to a therapist.. I don't know what to do other than cry in my room all day.. I feel like I wanna die.. Is there anyway that could help me? :p :( :(
Oh, don't feel like that :(

Contact your principle or your school counselor about this issue. Perhaps you could go to a therapist.

I really hope that your life is better :(

I have not been at this site for long, but the onlly topics i see are ones that say "I hate my life" "My life stinks" "im emo" "I wanna die" "My parents hate me". I am sorry that you feel this way but grow up! Do your parents beat you? Mentaly abuse you? No? Your life is fine. You may not have many friends, but who does? And school is hard? WOW what else is new. AND you are refusing to go to a therapist JUST SO you can say "I hate my life and i have no one to talk to." And don't say i am being mean, i am full of tough love baby.
I agree!

Stop complaining, and get help. And NO internet people CANNOT help you for ALL your problems in life.

My post before explains, but in a nice way. Now, I'm having changes after I read this post in the quote. :gozarutchi:

I agree ^ with both of them now that i dont really like my last post......... stop whining!! the thing i didnt like was erm.. "I DONT WANNA GO TO A THERAPIST." that's just giving people to say here, "well what do you want us to do? You won't get help and u expect us to tell you waht to do? WOW get a life!" You're asking for it! You need to get help and yet you're complaining how bad ur life is and if u went to a therapist it wouldnt be so .... "harsh" Your parents and grandparents probably grew up without this stuff that you have so be thankful!!! you have a house and education, your parents are probably being sour 'cus you're being a brat seeking for attention >_>

Don't worry or be down in the dumps for long.

"To see the beautiful rainbow you must go through all the rains and storms on the pathway there. :) "

8th grade is pretty hard and I'm trying to do the best I can to make it easy as possible.. =\

No matter how bad life gets, never give up on yourself. Death is not the answer. It makes it worse.

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Oh, guys, stop being so mean to her. No, that is not tough love, that is being mean. She is asking for help, and that reply is just like kicking someone when they're down. So knock it off.

Ok, moving on. If you can't talk to your parents, then I suggest you talk to your school counselor or principal. And like Locky said, death is not the answer. It is a very selfish thing to do, killing yourself. Think about all the people you'd leave behind, and how they'd feel.

There is a topic pinned on Non TT about banned topics and posts, and there are some phone numbers that you can call if you ever need to. I'm not sure if there's one about being depressed.

Anyways, just focus on the good in your life, and like I said, please talk to someone if you need to.

Oh, guys, stop being so mean to her. No, that is not tough love, that is being mean. She is asking for help, and that reply is just like kicking someone when they're down. So knock it off.
Ok, moving on. If you can't talk to your parents, then I suggest you talk to your school counselor or principal. And like Locky said, death is not the answer. It is a very selfish thing to do, killing yourself. Think about all the people you'd leave behind, and how they'd feel.

There is a topic pinned on Non TT about banned topics and posts, and there are some phone numbers that you can call if you ever need to. I'm not sure if there's one about being depressed.

Anyways, just focus on the good in your life, and like I said, please talk to someone if you need to.
Agreed. People, please. We all go through phases sometimes. Just because this person is going though something doesn't give you an excuse to start forcing your opinions. I mean who knows, the person could be going through other things that they're not telling us.

Back to the point. Just hang in there. You might jsut be having a bad day/week, but if you just do what makes you happy then things will clear up. Music always cheers me up. Just find a song you like and listen to it for a while. :) Make sure it's a happy song.

I have not been at this site for long, but the onlly topics i see are ones that say "I hate my life" "My life stinks" "im emo" "I wanna die" "My parents hate me". I am sorry that you feel this way but grow up! Do your parents beat you? Mentaly abuse you? No? Your life is fine. You may not have many friends, but who does? And school is hard? WOW what else is new. AND you are refusing to go to a therapist JUST SO you can say "I hate my life and i have no one to talk to." And don't say i am being mean, i am full of tough love baby.
I don't think that was very nice. Broken~Love is not an attention seeker, and because you haven't been around long, you probably haven't seen that. And you've got to admit, feelings need to go somewhere. As long as they are kept appropriate, which, in this situation, they were, I believe it is OK to ask for advice here.

I'm sorry you're having a rough time, Broken~Love. We all go through rough periods in our life like this. But really, you only get one life, and you have the power to make it pleasant or dreadful. Talking to people always helps, but another good thing to utilize is optimism. Put the bad out of your mind for just a moment and think about what's good in your life. Don't just go off saying "nothing" to that and being depressed. Really think about the good, because no matter your situation, there is some. There are people all around you who love you and care about you and would do anything to help you. School is never easy, but there's a way to pull through it. If there's been some mistake, you should talk to someone in authority to defend your position. Tell them how you feel. Your teachers may be giving you a hard time, but they'll always help you with your homework. It's their job, and they're glad to do it. If you feel like your parents aren't being fair, talk to them about it. You can get your way, or, if not completely, you'll probably be able to settle a compromise. And look, crying can be good sometimes if you can't get your feelings out in another way. Just don't lose hope. That's the last thing you should do.

I hope things get better for you. I really do.

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Oh, guys, stop being so mean to her. No, that is not tough love, that is being mean. She is asking for help, and that reply is just like kicking someone when they're down. So knock it off.
Ok, moving on. If you can't talk to your parents, then I suggest you talk to your school counselor or principal. And like Locky said, death is not the answer. It is a very selfish thing to do, killing yourself. Think about all the people you'd leave behind, and how they'd feel.

There is a topic pinned on Non TT about banned topics and posts, and there are some phone numbers that you can call if you ever need to. I'm not sure if there's one about being depressed.

Anyways, just focus on the good in your life, and like I said, please talk to someone if you need to.
THANK YOU. Gosh, you guys are so tough on her. It's so easy to tell her to toughen up and "things could be worse" but that doesn't mean she's in an easy situation. Would you guys like it if you had a problem you thought was a big deal and someone told you it wasn't? Well, I know I wouldn't, so think about her feelings too. <.<

Anyway, on to the advice. When you feel stressed out, miserable, and depressed, listen to music. I know that sounds corny but it works. Whenever I'm having a rough day, I plop down on my bed, get out my iPod, and listen to my favorite song. Make sure not to listen to a sad song, becuase I know, for me at least, that just makes me cry. xD

All friends get in fights (well, most friends - I have yet to fight with a friend I've had for four years) so that's normal. I know it can really make you feel bad, though. I had a friend, let's call her C, who was abusive to me. She pretended to be sweet and charming, then once you were close to her she would say mean things about you behind your back, not help you when you needed it, and make comments such as "Your picture is ugly! Just kidding haha!" I knew from her tone it was not a joke at all, it was the truth. We had many problems over the years, many fights, but she was cunning, so she always said things to get me back to her like "I guess if you really think I'm that horrible....I really liked being your friend, Aly..." Then we would get in a fight again an hour later. <.< A few days ago, I made the smart decision to STICK UP FOR MYSELF and quit being her friend. And her little excuses didn't work either. Whenever she got mad or jealous at me, I knew I hadn't done anything wrong, and I learned to ignore her little temper tantrums. I didn't need the unnessacery stress she was causing me, and I'm now much happier. Sorry for the life story, LOL. Anyway, think about your friends, and if they act anything like this - abusive and not kind to you - they aren't your friends. As hard as it may seem, forget them and find real friends.

Counseling always helped me. My school counselor is a wonderful woman who has given me a lot of comfort over the years. I am currently also seeing a psychologist. And no, I'm not crazy, I just get depressed sometimes. And who can blame me? I've had a hard life recently, with losing my dad and all.

This is the BEST thing you can do: talk to your parents. Tell them everything that's on your mind, EVERYTHING. Be prepared for tears and several hours of discussion, but you'll feel better afterwards, and your parents will likely have good advice for you. My mom supports me and is always there when I need to talk to her about something. She offers good advice too. Remember, your parents are always there for you.

A final note - suicide solves NOTHING. Imagine how grief-stricken your parents and friends would be! For thier sakes, just hang in there. Things will get better, I promise. They always do. :)

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Tough LOVE? Um no, that was just rudeness.

She wants help not 'omg, stop whining you brat!1!'. She said she's having a rough time and would like a little advice on where to go. You didn't try to help her, you just sat on your high horse shouting down 'love' to her. Jeez, whatever happened to if you don't have anything good to say, not saying it at all. :)

Try to talk to your parents. Who knows, maybe they'll surprise you. Ask to go to IHOP or somewhere causal to chat with them. If they don't listen and you don't know where to go, as others have mentioned, go to the school counselor or other trusted teacher. They aren't there to sit there and just look pretty. ;]

Life is tough but keep in mind that it COULD be worse and if you have a cruddy attitude, so will everything seem. Try to keep a positive, good attitude and appreciate even the simplest pleasures- like a sunset, or your fish- in life.

It's 10% circumstances and 90% outlook. ;]

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