I hate sleepovers!


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Well-known member
Nov 4, 2005
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everytime I say I dont wanna go to a sleepover, people say "Why?" I tell them why and they keep saying "COME ON!!" Its just that I get homesick and they cant force me but I dont wanna say a lie! they kepp forcing me and I hate it!!! what do i do?


I don't really like sleepovers either. I'm over all that kind of stuff. It's only fun when you've got like 5 people and you stay up til 2am and play truth or dare or watch a scary movie. I refuse most sleepovers.

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I just spent the night at my friend's house last night x.x I got about 3 hours of sleep that was interrupted in 5 minute intervals.

I can't sleep well at other people's houses, especially if I'm cold or uncomfortable.

Also my friends get on my nerves way too fast. One was complaining to me about the other being annoying, and the other was doing the same thing. They were like tag-team annoying me >.< What sucks more is I'm the only one out of the three of us with a license and car, so I had to take one home earlier today.

I don't even really like having people stay the night at my house either. It's just another person to bother me while I'm at home.

I like to be able to watch tv and be online without having to listen to someone blab on about something absolutely idiotic and pointless. It also doesn't help that my friends aren't exactly the, 'hold an intelligent conversation for more than 2 minutes' type.

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I don't really like them either...

Because I get somesick too (You're not the only one)

And I have toys that I sleep with but I don't want everyone to know about them.

I don't do well at sleepovers either Surfer_girl :]

I don't have any real adivce, Sorry.

Really? I live off sleepovers! No, really. I go to a sleepover basically every weekend o_O

But I can understand why you don't like them. If people keep bothering you to come to a sleepover, just tell them that you have a club or something. It works for one of my friends.

That's weird! I adore sleepovers! But anyway, if they're really your friends, u can tell them u get homesick and they'll still like u! if they're not ur friends, then they'll think ur weird, but there's no point having them as friends if they won't listen to u and what u want. :D

I never liked them either, I'd rather stay at home and do what I like doing. I don't really have friends in real life, apart from my bf and a horrible girl that keeps annoying me to sleep over, and the last time I slept at her house all I heard was her whinging about me and how I should break up with my bf of 3 years.. Well what I say to the annoying horrible girl im not even friends with (long story) still calls me and asks me to sleep over, and I just make up some excuse that I have stuff to do with my family, or I feel sick, or any excuse, sometimes I just say no. And if she insists what the reason is, I just say I dont want to and dont have to lol. Friends can be annoying..

I used to get homesick but not anymore.

I am actualy going to camp for once in my life! Yay!

Anyways, I can never get to sleep. I always stay awake WAY after everyone else. xE

i love sleepovers. but i still understand where you are coming from. just simply tell them nicely, i am not used to being away from home, because it makes me very uncomfortable.

i love sleepovers! what is homesick anyway? is it when your sick at home> if we're talking about sleepovers, why are talking about being sick at home? :) :(

I love going to sleepovers, but the problem is once I get there I feel REALLY sick, I usually have to go to the washroom 1,000 times *blush*, andI feel like I'm gona barf.

One time I was at my bff house and I kept going to the bathroom and I heard her mom say to her "Is she ok? she been in there like more then 11 times!" I didn't want to come out of the washroom!

As for your problem, just tell your friends "I know you really want me to, but I'll end up going home anyway!, mybe I could stay until 11:00 p.m. (or whatever time is good for you) and then my mom could pick me up?"

KC7 :)

I don't like sleepover either. I don't like going to other peoples houses. Why? Because the social anxiety is too much. There's never anything to do, and then their siblings or parents want to talk to you. Or, you wake up and your friend has disappeared! (They expect you to know they had to go somewhere, or went to eat breakfast.)

What I do when someone wants me to go to their house is make up an excuse. "My dad was planning on taking us somewhere.", "My parents aren't coming home until late tonight, and they won't be able to take me/pick me up." "I haven't been feeling well, I would rather not go." "My mom said she wanted us to have a 'family night' tonight."

If you do make up an excuse, you should always make sure to say 'sorry' that you can't go, and 'thank you' for inviting you anyways!

Being homesick means wanting to go home and missing it.

Anyway, sometimes I like sleepovers and agreeing with everything Sweet Kandi says, I hate when your friends are being annoying and when there is 2 or more people over they gang up on you kinda thing, it really gets to me. Also when they make you pick what do to when you know they want to do one thing but you don't...

Having people over kinda sucks too because then your room is a big mess afterwards and you don't wanna clean it. Also when people go through all your stuff.

Sometimes I like sleepovers though, they can be fun.

But when I don't wanna go to one, I lie because my friends take things way to seriously.

everytime I say I dont wanna go to a sleepover, people say "Why?" I tell them why and they keep saying "COME ON!!" Its just that I get homesick and they cant force me but I dont wanna say a lie! they kepp forcing me and I hate it!!! what do i do?
well,honey,i toldy understand!!

i get homesick to!

just cept on tell them the truth

if they make fun of u,there not u really friends!

My friend, Rachel, used to hate sleepovers to, for the same reason.

She spent the night at my house one night when we were like, six-ish, and she got homesick, and her house was right across the street!

But, I think that in your case, maybe going to the part of the party that would be in the day time, and staying, and haveing your mom or dad come to pick you up before the sleepover part begins.

My advice, not the best, but it helps some of my old friends!

For me, it's not about getting homesick. I have to wear this big goofy-looking orthodontic appliance at night and it's mortifying to walk out there in front of everyone looking like a robot. I haven't been to a sleepover since.

I suggest that you bring with you something that reminds you of home so that you don't get homesick. You could bring something like a picture of you and your family and keep it where no one has to see it, but you can still look at it when you're starting to feel down. I hope it helps :lol:

I think that sleepovers r fun 50% of the time, but once I went 2 a sleepover and all the other girls did was play with plastic animals :)

my fav. sleepover was with my cousins, cause we watched Chicken Run from 11 pm to 1 am then spent most of the night designing videogames for girls.

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