I have a HUGE fear... Its stupid but its scary


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Rainbow Cat

Well-known member
Feb 28, 2009
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Okay, ready? I have a fear of stairs. I'll go one stair fine and think i got it, but the next moment i end up walking down stairs crooked. they scare me i dont know why help

Don't feel bad, everybody is afraid of something, even if they say they are not!

I get creeped out by caterpillars, and you think your fear is stupid. Like I said, nobody cool would make fun of you, so just chill. ♥

Yeah, everyone is scared of something.

Im freaked out by dolls. I can't really avoid them. They're just everywhere! Try and get over it. Maybe when you're going up stairs, don't go fast. Take your time and hold on to the rail on the side.

Good Luck xxx

I should be scared of stairs. But i'm not even though theres enough reasons.

Just walk up and down a little 4-5 step stair thingie.

I have a idiotic fear too. Water. I have terrible hydrophobia. I have had so many people try to help me get over it [Pro's] but i'm just screwed up.

If my brain made any rational sense, I would be scared of stairs. Considering that I fall down them every morning, and most nights. But I'm just used to it now.

My family will just be downstairs and they'll hear a loud crashing noice and an "EEEP!" and they'll just be like, "Esther again." xD

^ If only my Mum had thought of that. I'd have saved myself from a lot of potential pain. xD

Everyone's afraid of something silly, and stairs are just yours. :D like mine are birds and blood, and Ben, my brother. (lots of Bs!)

@ Esther + Michelle: XD. I'm glad to say I'm not like you two. I'm way too careful going down stairs.. I focus on every step, mayybe you could try it :(

... but I do aways brake things. expensive things. Like I'll smash agood vase in the turn of a head. There's another thing I'm scared of: expensive things.

You are not alone, Rainbow Cat..

I have the STUPIDEST fear ever!Are you ready?

Tubing,I just hate the thought of wiping out and hitting a rock or something,I is stupid. :eek:

I'm still scared of the dark. xD Most of the times I can just ignore, but then I start hearing sounds and stare into the dark. I then..get freaked out. Like just now, I had to stop my post because I heard scary music. Like peee weee ooohhhh. Doesn't seem like scary music, but yeah it was. It was just my Moms boyfriends ringtone though. xP

I fear toilets flushing toilets the loud noise and the water :) I fell down the stairs this morning I hurt my ankel-Socks and hardwood floor do not go down well together- You will eventually get over your fear.

Silly. Everyone is afraid of something.

Even me, I am scared of the dark, but I love it. Durring the night if I walk out of my room and it is dark out and I walk down the stairs I get freaked out.

So don't worry, it's completely normal. Like Michelle said, use a 4-5 step thingy.

Good luck. :thumbsup:

If my brain made any rational sense, I would be scared of stairs. Considering that I fall down them every morning, and most nights. But I'm just used to it now.
My family will just be downstairs and they'll hear a loud crashing noice and an "EEEP!" and they'll just be like, "Esther again." xD

Everyone's afraid of something silly in their life. You're normal.

Here are my strange fears


Being alone (depend on where I am and if it's dark)

The dark (sometimes)


Enclosed spaces


Some of them make sense (fire) but others........

Wow, if you think that's bad, I have a fear of small flashing colorful lights in the dark. (Yes, I bolded it.)

^^ Bahahahaha. My mum cares for my brain cells.
Yeah. Mine knows that I'd manage to fall over everything in any house anyway. XD

Oh - and do you really lose brain cells every time you fall? Because that would explain a lot.

I have a bad habit of running wildly down the stairs and jumping the last few. My mom freaks out when I do it. I have fallen a few times XD The only stairs I'm slightly afraid of are the ones...well it's hard to explain them. The ones that have nothing between them and theres a gaping hole under each one. I always think I'm going to fall through the space XD And the ones in Boomerang Bay at King's Island freak me out because they sway in the wind.

I'm not afraid of stairs. Athough, if anyone hears a "whoA! Bump-bump-bump-bump-bump-bump-bump-bump-bump-bump-bump-bump-bump-bump-bump-bump-[SIZE=17pt]BONK!![/SIZE]"

Then they say "tch tch tch. Kuro again."

(although sometimes its a "bumpbumpbumpWAAAAGGHHHHH-SPLAT")

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