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May 2, 2007
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I walked through an elm. school. And middle school ( why? because I have friends and family there. D<)

And I noticed...

why do small children feel the need to dress as if they where 21 and going on a hot date with Jake Gyllenhaal ? ( yes I see the irony.)

: [ I know it's not all, but its a VAST majority.

I swear to god I thought I was going to go blind by the immense amount of lipgloss these little girls where wearing.

And boys...hm. I dont see them dressing as twenty-one.

More like rejected N-sync members...but who's juding them?

Gah, I have seen that too. >.<

What's up with these kids? They seem to be getting 'older and older' 'younger and younger'- makes me sick.

OMG, sure I try to dress good, but like How old were these guys :eek: Even I wouldn't wear make-up. EWWW!

Lol, I'd have to admit, in grade 2, the girls in my grade tried to act like supermodels "*Mwah-Mwah* Check out my Lipstick. Its purple. " LMAO :pB)

And with crap like that happening, people begin to wonder WHY America has so many child molesters... When your children are dressing like, excuse the language, sluts, I think common sense can narrow down exactly why that is...

I've seen a girl about half my size... she was about 8 or so with a purse on her shoulder litterally BIGGER THAN HER HEAD!!!!

Ok, stand back, I have to rant.

People (particulary girls) obsess to much with their looks, they overdress, their faces look like it was splattered by paint. All because they want to look pretty, or because they think they don't. I've seen millions of little girls with pink, sparkly lipgloss, smeared onto their lips, it's like they need to impress someone, which they don't.There were topics here before about how much makeup do you wear to school, alot of those posts had 5 or more different kinds of makeup on their list, and most of those people were under 12, ridiculous.School doesn't seem to be about education anymore, it seems to be about showing the amount of makeup on their faces, and the tremendous layer of clothes they have on them, it's not winter for pete's sake, none of that.

And for the boys? Eh, we don't care that much, lol.

I know I am in sixth grade and i am the only girl in 3rd thrue sixth grade that doesn't wear makeup or dress that way i think it is disguissing i wear loose t-shirts and never skirts see i am a tom boy so maybe that is why though i am on the I HATE MAKEP CAMPAIGNE! jk i don't think there is one but if there was i would definely join it! Why waste your time putting on makeup and getting all dressed up like teenagers or adults when your a kid and your not a kid 4ever so just have fun and be yourself you do not have to wear that to be pretty and Thats So raven is not good to teach young people to not wear clothes like that or makeup cause all Raven does is obses over clothes and makeup and having visions my little sister is in 4th grade and wears make up and I dont

Gah, I have seen that too. >.What's up with these kids? They seem to be getting 'older and older' 'younger and younger'- makes me sick.
I wish it was like how it used to be when I was young like that. Girl were more tomboys and weren't trying to be 21 when they were 9.

Is there something wrong with TamTalk?! It seems like half of us don't feel the need to be painted with makeup and dressed in horrible clothes... I certainly don't.

Omg, If you think 9 years olds is bad I have 3 and 5 year old step sisters and they're already putting makeup on.

Honestly, I am sick of it.

It is totally, completely and absolutely not right the way kids do this to themselves. I was about 7 years old and I had about 2 concerts a year and everyone had to wear full on makeup... Foundation, Mascara, Lipstick, Eyeshadow. God, I hated that.

When I wear skirts I ALWAYS wear shorts and/or tights. So does everyone else in primary school (Im in secondary) They dont do:

*Wear makeup so much it looks like a *beep!*

*Dont eat much because they think they're fat.

Also, I know a friend who is born a month and 3 days before me. She was NOT allowed to wear make up till eleven. Shes twelve now. Now I think its fair. Its the same rule for her little sisters.

Why is little kids ALLOWED to do that???? It makes me sick.


I think it's the parents... and the fashion designers...

Have you noticed how they make football strips in baby-sizes? They couldn't possibly be a fan/player at that age-they probably can't even say football, let alone have the attention-span to watch a whole match.

There is a store in my mall that i don't remember hte name of but it's a place where 6 year old girls can get their make-up done, nails done, put in sequined tops that only cover the breasts--- which 6 years old girls are lacking (sorry for those of you uncomfortable with the word "breast"... which you shouldn't be lol) leaving the stomach exposed and low pants. The point of the shop is to make them look like pop-princesses!!! The look like they could go pole dancing.


Is it just me or is make-up getting heavier because everywhere I go I see heavy make-up. Make-up is supposed to accentuate your features... be fair with your skin tone and blend in, not saying "LOOK I HAVE MAKE-UP ON!!! NOTICE ME!" Young girls should not be dressing like that. And what annoys me is if you look at the little girl clothing in the stores it's aaaaaaallllllll pink and sparkly and unicorns and flower and etc... Now---my opinion--- I HATE pink and all of that... but all the shirts and pants for the little girls are for stick figures and are low and pop and pretty! Society should not be telling these girls that if they want to be pretty they must dress like that. Even in my age group! I'm curvy, not a stick figure and all the clothes in the stores are for stick figures. They look terrible on me forcing me to shop in the Womens dept. It SUCKS, I want to shop in my age group.

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I would look at it this way. Get clothes from the women's department, and be comfortable, or get clothes from the girls' department, be uncomfortable, and classified as one of the little pop-wannabes.

Seriously, Britney Spears and these other Pop icons are a terrible influence on today's youth. I would love nothing more than to smack them on the back of the head and tell them to stop poisoning the minds of our youth.

Why not just paint them pink and pour sparkles onto them?

Children frustrate me, more so when they're pink and shiny.

Alright. I walked through an elm. school. And middle school ( why? because I have friends and family there. D<)

And I noticed...

why do small children feel the need to dress as if they where 21 and going on a hot date with Jake Gyllenhaal ? ( yes I see the irony.)

: [ I know it's not all, but its a VAST majority.

I swear to god I thought I was going to go blind by the immense amount of lipgloss these little girls where wearing.

And boys...hm. I dont see them dressing as twenty-one.

More like rejected N-sync members...but who's juding them?

Like freak! Theres no need for little kids

to be dressing like hookers! Dx

And I've even been hearing little kids at that

age swear! Dx ZOMG! I blame the media...

And of course Bratz which i think are waay to popular

and inappropriate for kids. >.<

I don't think you should worry what you look like, especially when you are at a young age! I used to look like a dork in kindergarden, but I never thought about it, and more importantly, I didn't care, and neither did anyone else. when I was little, all I cared about was having fun. Why do these kids feel so pressured at a young age to look 'hot' when they actually make themselves look not natural? :(

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I don't really care, if they want to be materialistic about their makeup and clothing let them and they can grow up to fail because in school they were too busy applying eyeliner instead of listening to the teacher.

It bothers me more when people spend 200 bucks on a pair of shoes they could've gotten at Kmart for an eighth of the price.

I hate it when little girls wear makeup x.x It's disgusting.

Little girls don't need to look like whores. They need to leave that up to the real thing and start looking like kids again.

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