I have a tough disicion!


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September 2008 Contest Winner
Nov 5, 2005
Reaction score
Jacksonville Florida
My dad said I either have to

1)Not babysit and not be able to scan my comics. :huh:

2)Babysit but our computer gets thrown out And No more Tamatalkers comic! ;)

What one should I take. If I babysit I cant EVER post on tamatalk again!

If I dont babysit I dont have extra money and I cant make the tamatalkers comic.



no he hates the computer!

Last night I heard him say something like "You and your mother can move with John (Who the Heck!) And take the computer! And raise jacob and Timmy"

So what should I do?

What do you value more?

Posting on TamaTalk with your friends but not earn extra money?

Or earn extra money but not be with your online friends at home?

If you decide on Money, you can always try and use public computers, and there are places that allow you to scan. Or you can decide not to babysit for money, maybe try and do soemthign else secretly and get money from there.

Or see if you can convice your Dad to do both. Tell him to present reasons for it. You cant say anything without reason. :furawatchi:

Try bargaining.

You'll still babysit, but spend less time on TamaTalk.

You'll earn less money, but stay on TamaTalk. :unsure:

Think about it. :)

What do you value more?
Posting on TamaTalk with your friends but not earn extra money?

Or earn extra money but not be with your online friends at home?

If you decide on Money, you can always try and use public computers, and there are places that allow you to scan. Or you can decide not to babysit for money, maybe try and do soemthign else secretly and get money from there.

Or see if you can convice your Dad to do both. Tell him to present reasons for it. You cant say anything without reason. :furawatchi:

Try bargaining.

You'll still babysit, but spend less time on TamaTalk.

You'll earn less money, but stay on TamaTalk. :unsure:

Think about it. :)
Yea I think you should go with spiffy but whatever you enjoy more I suggest you go on and do what you like more! Making comics? Or hanging out with friends?

Like what would you do right now... do your comic? Or be on TamaTalk or BOTH!


wow thats a tough one... I think if you take the money you can use public computers to go on TamaTalk? Maybe...

which is more important: money or yur friends on tamatalk. u can either never talk to us again or start a comic. THE CHOICE IS ......... YOURS! :furawatchi: :unsure:

listen..........I dont have access to a car. I cant go to the libary on Chaffee either even though I could ride a bike for 2 1/2 miles. I really need money or I dont have my v3 to love. MY DAD DOESNT BARGAIN!!! sorry spiffy u had good advice. I highly doubt this deal will go on. My mom said he was just trying to get me mad.

does your dad use the computer for anything? if he does you say "well you can't do -------if you kill the computer!!!" if he doesn't use it for anything i think you should babysit in secret, i've done it before say your going out with friends but actually go babysit. (but you can't babysit at night i guess)

I don't get it why would he get rid of the computer if you babysit? Talk him into keeping the computer and letting you babysit.

This is so confusing o_O

But if you really NEED the money go for it! (I'm not trying to get rid of you I want you here) But money is way of life if you most have it you must take that risk to get it!

That's what I would do...


Heh, babysit, and earn money for a laptop for your room. ^.^'
:furawatchi: Excellent idea,DarkCore,your dad never said she couldn't use a laptop in her room.But laptops are like $300!!!!! :) :unsure:

yeah. BUT if I did earn the money my mom would never let me buy one. IF she did I bet my dad would keep taking it away.

AND timothy would probably smash it (pishhhh 4 year olds)

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