I have an accent...


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I have a British accent, British accents aren't that bad. Well I have a sort of scottish one, but I don't go like "Aye I'll have me mince and tatties lassie" like most people think

[SIZE=8pt]I have a British accent, but I try my best to cover it up every day... even if that means talking barely audible. People know me as having no accent though, and one of my friends is showing her true accent. I think that if she can do it, then so can I, but people will think I am copying her, when I am not. I want to talk naturally, but People will say stuff like "why are you copying (insert name here)?" what should I do?[/SIZE]
Man if i had 1 wish id wish for a British Accent!

But dont worry about what other people say about your accent people these days make fun of the littlest thing :p

To tell you the truth, I really think that there's nothing to be worried about. :D Most of the people that I know love accents. We had this Texan guy come into our class, and everyone was just like 'Your accent is terrific!" It sounds like your getting yourself all worked up and insecure, but you really don't need to be. :rolleyes: It's a natural part of you, no matter how hard you try to change it. Take some pride and confidence in your accent, and nobody will even think about bugging and holding you back. I'm not afraid to say that accents are great, and I wish that I had one. Everyone actually has an accent, whether it's little or big. Be proud of who you are, and don't let anyone spoil that. :)

Don't hide it- just ignore people who tease you.I get called "Malteaser" because I'm half-Maltese- it hurts me a little, but I just ignore people who call me it. Well, some people meam it as an insult... <.<
Malteaser :D I know it can be annoying but.. yay for chocolate xD

i have a really good british accent. [it's not real, though] i live in florida, born in illinois. i also "spell" british [colour, blonde, etc.] my friend and i regularly rotate american and british accents. [drives our science teacher nuts] just talk in your accent! you are what you are.

I have an English accent but since I moved to Australia I talk with an 'Australian twang' and my friends say I even sound slightly American.

I am very jumbled.

Accents rock. Everyone has one. Everyone has the right to speak without being made fun of.

Don't hide it. :eek:

Everybod has their own unique accent, nobody doesn't not have an accent, you may not notice it but it's true.

Juust be yourself, tell your so calld 'friends' and other people that that is your normal accent, you can't help it after all.

You have a choice, you can hide your accent for the rest of your life, or you could stand up and let you accent go. =]

If the teasing is frequent then just tell a teacher, because that is bullying.

[SIZE=10pt]I have a New York City accent, and when I moved, nobody made fun of me. And anyways, British accents are cool! Lots of people would kill for an accent like yours! Just speak like you normally would, and if people make fun of you or say that you are a copier, just explain to them that you were embarrassed about your accent so you tried to cover it up. Then you changed your mind and decided to let the words flow regularly. ^_^ Good luck! -_- [/SIZE]

In Britain, everyone seems to have a Brittish accent except me. Mine is part Scandinavian, part american, part irish, and only a little bit brittish. Everyone teased me bout it, so I pointed out that to me my voice is normal, and theirs are wierd. Now they don't care about it. I'm still not accepted, but that's only cos I'm a goth.

Don't worry... You're lucky to have British accent,If people tell you that you are copying your friend,ignore them,an accent is natural,isn't it? You're not doing it on purpose :D

I am Maltese,pure 100% Maltese.I don't have a really good British accent :D

I have a little Italian accent,though :D

I think it's safe to say by now I would think the problem would be resolved. This topic started back in December of last year! lol. I'll close this now to prevent anymore bumping when not needed :D Thanks!

*topic closed*

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