I have had this dream more then once...


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furawatchi girl

Well-known member
Apr 30, 2006
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Planet earth ;)
I have had this dream many times and it is scaring me! What could it mean? Here it is:

I am outside this building. I see someone on a bike. they are wearing a helmet and kind of look like a boy. You would definitly think they were if you saw them. They motioned me to come over. i do. they jump up this stairs of the weird building and i think, "i can never do that" but i can. They continue to usher me over inside the building. they run in and a i follow. i see a hallway and it is made of beige bricks with a few blue doors. i turn around to leave but the door is locked. i look around for the person. i see them at the end of the hallway near some stairs. i run over. they take off their mask and it turns out that they are a girl with beautiful black hair that is uncombed. they go up the few stairs and i come too. now that i think off it, i saw the inside of my school, but i don't know it then and this was recent. The girl said, "if they catch us here, they will put me and my entire family to bed". I know excatly what they are talking about and i knew that "putting them to bed" ment killing them. I have no idea why i knew this but i did then. i turned around and said, "how do i get out of this?" and they pointed to a door at the far end of the hallway. it was the only thing on the top of a few stairs and it said, "escape forever" i know i don't want to open it and it was going to kill me but i run tward it. they say, "don't do it" but i just look at them, unable to talk, and the only thing i can do is run. i get to the stairs and i know i don't want to open it but i do and i walk out the door.

I always wake up sceaming. what can this dream mean? all comments apprecated.


This is very interesting. something for me to think about. it sounds like something I could wright in a horror novel. i just have one question to ask before I try to interperet your dream.

Are you a christian?

I want you to be as honest as you can.

Um...I don't know. I had the same dream on my birthday every year from when I was like 4 - 7.

That's kinda creepy. How many times do you think you've had it?

Matchy :furawatchi:

This is very interesting. something for me to think about. it sounds like something I could wright in a horror novel. i just have one question to ask before I try to interperet your dream. Are you a christian?

I want you to be as honest as you can.
I am Christian. I am Greek orthodox accutaly. But it is almost the same thing. If this helps at all, i am not suicidal. i am very happy in my life.

Matchy i think i have had this dream about 7-10 times.


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I'm guessing it's just a dream. Although I wouldn't know, I'm not an expert on that type of thing. I've had recurring dreams a lot before, and so has my mom. When she was little she had two dreams over and over again. The first one was that she was in the backyard and there were lions all around her. They were sleeping and didn't hurt her, but she was very scared. The other dream she had was where she was in this hot air balloon floating all over the city at night. I'm pretty sure it's just a dream that's nothing to worry about, but if you're really scared about it, I recommend talking to your parents about it.

thank you for the tid-bits of info that you gave me.

I think that the first sign is the girl that you thought was a boy reminds me of what satin might be like.

You must remembr that satin is supposed to be a deciever so as a sign of that he would seem like a boy

but in fact be a girl. also the jumping up the stairs might mean that there is a gift that you have that you don't beleive that you can do but in fact you can. You just don't know it. The part about putting to sleep is very interesting, because in the bible it often refers to death as sleep. if it were satin saying that his familly were to be put to sleep than what you are seeing is probebly satin rying to trick you into doing something that you think is right but in fact it is wrong. i'm not sure about that part. The door. That is something very interesting. i think that the door is supposed to be the escape of the world. i'm not sure but I think it is supposed to be what you think is the answer, but in fact it is nothing but a trick. If you happen to know anything strange about your life patterns that might make you have this dream. I remember something happening once. i'm not sure if it was a dream or in real life but I remember someone saying that when the children of the earth have visions of the end of the world than it is near. i could never forget thoes words. They haunt my thoughts because before that I had, had several dreams of the end of the world. About half of them i woke up panting and clutching my chest as if i was having a heart attack. You might need some time to think about it.

thank you for the tid-bits of info that you gave me.
I think that the first sign is the girl that you thought was a boy reminds me of what satin might be like.

You must remembr that satin is supposed to be a deciever so as a sign of that he would seem like a boy

but in fact be a girl. also the jumping up the stairs might mean that there is a gift that you have that you don't beleive that you can do but in fact you can. You just don't know it. The part about putting to sleep is very interesting, because in the bible it often refers to death as sleep. if it were satin saying that his familly were to be put to sleep than what you are seeing is probebly satin rying to trick you into doing something that you think is right but in fact it is wrong. i'm not sure about that part. The door. That is something very interesting. i think that the door is supposed to be the escape of the world. i'm not sure but I think it is supposed to be what you think is the answer, but in fact it is nothing but a trick. If you happen to know anything strange about your life patterns that might make you have this dream. I remember something happening once. i'm not sure if it was a dream or in real life but I remember someone saying that when the children of the earth have visions of the end of the world than it is near. i could never forget thoes words. They haunt my thoughts because before that I had, had several dreams of the end of the world. About half of them i woke up panting and clutching my chest as if i was having a heart attack. You might need some time to think about it.
wow. that is really somthing i need to think about.

the dream often ends like me opening the door and waking up but some times when i open the door that said "escape forever" it was the stairs that i had jumped up before. then i take one step and begin to fall down them as if i was being pulled down. they seem to be very long to fall down. right before i land on my face to die i think i may have seen the girl watching me fall. but i am not sure about that part. i think she was watching me fall. or it may have been someone else standing there with their hands crossed on their chest. i didn't see their face that well.


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Wow. o_O Recurring dreams...

I get them all the time. Kinda like Deju Vu, eh? :mellow:

Man, I had this scary dream once...o_O It kept on coming back.

(Don't Laugh! :huh: ) My Brother's head fell off...,and my family was just standing there like nothing happened. o_O

It was SO weird!


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Sounds very interesting. But I'm sure it's nothing. Just a dream you have.

You see, I used to have 2 dreams and I would have these dreams every year. The first one was wierd and the second one was scary. The first one was that I had to like put on this show and plan it and whatnot. The scary one was every year I would have this dream where someone would lift me and squeeze me and I wouldn't be able to breathe. That one always scared me. I don't have the first one anymore but the second one I just had a few nights ago. I'm sure your dreams are just like mine, nothing.

you know, this reminds me of a skit that some youth did when I was about 10 yrs. old.

this is how it goes

Satin: (in human form descised) That's it! I'm sick of my life! I'm going to jump of this cliff and die!

Person#1: Wait! *grabs arm* what are you doing!

Satin: I'm going to jump off this cliff. I'm sick of my life.

Person#1:you know what. Your right. I'm sick of my life too. that old church of mine is making me feel all guilty about my self and now I'm ready to die.

*person#1grabs hand of satin*

okay on the count of 3..


Person#2: WAIT! What are you doing

Person#1: we were just going to jump off this cliff because we are sick of this horrible hope free, guilt filled life

Person#2: you know, your right. Life here is horrible I'll come with you.

On the count of three.

1...2... thre

person#3: WAIT!

(several people follow with same results)

Satin: are we all ready to jump? (there are about 7-8 people)

Everyone: yes!

Satin: okay, on the count of three!

1... 2... 3!

*everyone jumps off stage and lays on ground exept satin*

Satin: fools, only more children for my kingdom of death!

The mural of this story is that you shouldn't listen to anything that stupid, and you shouldn't commit suiside. There is a deeper side to the story but it's hard to explain. If you were to watch the skit than you would understand.

That's a disturbing dream. I had one like it.

PM me And I'll tell you about it.

Im a medium (Psychic or however you spell it)

I've helped find out what dreams meant before.

Im sure I could help.

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