I have returned... yet again lmao


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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2020
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Greetings everyone and I hope you're having a good day :)
so I used to be really active on this forum a few years ago, but then unfortunately left it behind at some point haha
well, I just randomly decided to revisit the forum today and found out that it's changed a LOT since I last visited :oo
if you've ever seen me / interacted with me here during my active days, well, I think you know how I was lol, maybe kinda cringey because I was kiiiiinda a 10 year old with a Tamagotchi obsession.
yes. I was a 10 year old, interacting with (possibly) way older people on the internet about Tamagotchis. :babytchi2:
well... I guess I wasn't that weird, but obviously... kiiiindaaa dumb (?)
...I'm thankful this is a wholesome community phew
But thinking of all the memories I made here, maybe joining the forum maybe wasn't such a dumb idea of 10 year old me after all. happy2
as for whether I'm still obsessed with Tamagotchis, welp I do have to say that the latest Tamas seem really fun to play with but unfortunately I haven't been able to get my hands on one because Tamas are really expensive in my country sadly XD
I do have a Tama ON, but... the only problem is that I'm too lazy to buy batteries to run it but I plan to get some and run my ON again soon :)
one moment I have to share about my 10 year old self is this:
my brother was returning from the US, so I had an idea: why not ask him to buy me my first Tama?
so I did. but I didn't ask him to buy me just 1.
I asked him to buy me... 4 kinds of Tamas. *wheezing noises
but it was for a reason, and that was to unlock the Tama Gym (I think that's what it's called lol I forgot) by connecting to 3 other Tamas, because none of my friends, I repeat none of my friends had Tamas. Not even one. :huh:
thankfully my brother only let me choose one, because if he bought me all 4 Tamas that I asked for, well let's not talk about the amount of batteries I'd need to buy LMAO
as for the Tama that I chose, that was the pearly white Amazon magic edition ON.
anyways, oh god this is some long text so I think I'll end it here.
I'll probably return again sometime, who knows?
But for now, I'd just like to thank everyone I've met here for the good memories that I'll remember for the rest of my life. :)
Have a good day/night, and, well, goodbye for now?
Welcome back! A lot of what you wrote is relatable, I used to be a fairly active poster here in the 2010's while I was in my teens. Looking back on some of my old posts, I definitely made a few dumb or now-embarrassing comments. It's a part of growing up, lol. Similarly, I haven't ran any of the newer editions - I'm a little behind on the times right now, with me running a Pac-Man Tamagotchi for the first time currently. Congrats on your Magic edition ON! It's a fun little Tama.

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