I have some questions...


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Mar 27, 2006
Reaction score
1. My tama is 8 and is in love with my friend's tama. I want to mate with the matchmaker, but she won't come!

2. My friend has a version 1. She wants to know how high you can get on jump. Does anyone know?

3. Does anyone know where to get a tama BESIDES the internet? I checked at all of the stores I could think of, and they were all out of stock!

Thank you to all those who help!


1. i'm not sure.

2. i have a version 2 and i got waaaaaaaaay past the flag. ( i got a 100 points)

3. did you check toys r us? or walmart? or target?

1. My tama is 8 and is in love with my friend's tama. I want to mate with the matchmaker, but she won't come!
2. My friend has a version 1. She wants to know how high you can get on jump. Does anyone know?

3. Does anyone know where to get a tama BESIDES the internet? I checked at all of the stores I could think of, and they were all out of stock!

Thank you to all those who help!

And I have some answers! :eek:

1. The matchmaker won't hook you and your friend's tamagotchi up. Just connect more often and eventually they will have babies :angry:

2. I think 100 points, but I'm not 100%

3. Wal-Mart and Toys R Us have some! I heard K-Mart might have some. They might be sold out now, but wait a few days and check again.


1:Keep buying Hummy(love posion) until u can't afford 2. Keep using da hummy until u run out. connect with da hummy on. they will kiss. Soon, they will hav babies. If u don't want 2 get married 2 ur friend, dont do dat. set the clock 2 10:59 AM and wait 1 minut. The match maker should come in 1 minut. If not, dont blame me. i just got dis ofa site.

2: I think there is no end. i think u keep going and going and going. Im not a 100% sure. Mabey it just goes up 2 100. 1 of those 2.

3:Try wal-mart, superstore, and even Zellars. Those r some that hav tamagotchis. I got my first 1 @ zellars, 2nd @ super store, 3rd @ Wal-mart. Zellars and superstore don't have anyleft. But u can ask them 2 get some more tamagitchis in stock. WAl-mart is running low on tamagotchis, so i sugjest u get there as soon as u can afford to. If they cant get tamagotchis in stock, try contacting Bandia. They might b able 2 sent u a free tamagotchi in the mail or send some 2 wal-mart, zellars, or super store. If not, u'll just have 2 wait until u find a store with tamagotchis.

Hope i helped!

- li'l tama lover#1!!!

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