I have to where a heart monitor


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Well-known member
Nov 13, 2007
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Ozark Missouri
uggg I have to where a heart monitor because my heartbeat has been irrregular and the heart docter wants to know when ever my heart feels like racing.So I have to press a record button when this happens and it makes a horrible noise like a dying cat.and then i have to call this number(or my mom does) and we somehow put the phone close to the monitor and it gives the phone the imformation for the doc.

P.s this thing is small it has two stickers hooked to wires connected to the box that stick to me and I hook the box on to my pants or anything I can hook it to.

Oh wow! O...O

Do you get those anxiety attacks? I've heard about those- scary! Are you going to have surgery on it? My great aunt was talking about this lady who had those and she got something frozen. Don't know what it's called, but the either decreased or stopped all together.

Oh wow! O...O
Do you get those anxiety attacks? I've heard about those- scary! Are you going to have surgery on it? My great aunt was talking about this lady who had those and she got something frozen. Don't know what it's called, but the either decreased or stopped all together.
yes I do have panic attacks sometimes but I'm ust to them...

and luckily i'm not having surgery :D

I have had the same thing (heart racing) for years but I am sure it is due to my anxiety disorder.

The good thing is your doctor wants to know exactly what is going on and they are going to figure out how to help you. It may be a pain but its for the best Im sure.

I hope you don't have to wear it for too long!

I have had the same thing (heart racing) for years but I am sure it is due to my anxiety disorder. The good thing is your doctor wants to know exactly what is going on and they are going to figure out how to help you. It may be a pain but its for the best Im sure.

I hope you don't have to wear it for too long!
I only have to wear mine for a month thank goodness

o yeah and people look at me strange when I go out somewhere,it gets annoying and i'm like whats with the eyes people!? >.> XD.

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I never had a heart monitor but a Blood Pressure Monitor. I stayed home from school (It was inflating on my arm) and i had to sleep with it. Luckly I only needed it for 2 days.

Wow! o___O

Well, it shouldn't be too bad. You said you only have to wear it for a month, and you know it is going to help you. And I do find it annoying when people stare at you just because you look a little different from everyone else. <.<

when my sister kristen was a baby she had the same thing. she stayed in the hospital untill she could do something...I cant remember but shes fine now. Her heart races now but she has some sorta pill or inhaler like thing that she takes and it slows her heart down a little then she goes to the hospital.

o yeah and people look at me strange when I go out somewhere,it gets annoying and i'm like whats with the eyes people!? >.> XD.
They shouldn't look at you weird, I mean, you are who you are, they should respect that.

Much agreement from me regarding kiwilemon's post. Imagine if they had to wear something like that. I bet they wouldn't want others to stare at them like they have a million eyeballs or something.

I really hate having to wear cause sometimes it rings like a telephone durring class and everyone thinks it's funny.

Wow, that's terrible. I hope things look up for ya. :huh:

I had to wear a heart monitor like that a few years ago when I started getting panic attacks. It wasn't much fun, but I knew it was helping me, so I just ignored anybody who looked at me like that.

Maybe you should ask your doctor why it rings like that? It might be some sort of warning. :huh:



What sort of monitor are you using? A Holter Monitor or an Event Recorder? As for people staring, even the OLD fashioned ones CAN be covered up quite well if you dress appropriately and that doesn't mean wearing a cassock or a mui mui. A standard tee-shirt would cover it as long as it isn't tiiiiiiight or to short :p . And if you tuck the extra cabeling away so it doesn't hang out than you shouldn't have an issue. The only real problem is the box itself which isn't much bigger than a walkman or diskman. And that is the OLD style... New ones are as small like ipod's or a wallet and given that you say yours clips to your pants I am assuming you have one of the newer ones. If yours IS making those 'cat' sounds than you might want to call your doc because that ISN'T normal operative behaviour. You also say it's ringing... Ringing :rolleyes: ringing!!! Um, again that does not sound right so you should be asking your doc why?! It might be the alarm but that should and would have been explained to you and given that your only concern is that your friends laugh I am pretty sure it isn't warning you about a concerning heart event because the associated symptoms with such an event would be your primary concern. Trust me laughter would be the LAST thing that worries you. In the mean time have you tried bio-feedback to reduce your heart rate when it spikes? Has your doc talked to you about cognative and behavioural therapy for your anxiety disorder? Stress reduction techniques and bio-feedback is the MOST effective treatment and should be explored before medication. If you want any further info PM me and I will be sure to help you out.


All the best with your monitoring. :furawatchi:

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