I have written so many of these things...


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Well-known member
Jan 4, 2006
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Your pants
So whenever I get bored, or something exciting happens at school, I will write about it. And..well lets just say it hardly ever makes sense. So here, have an insight.

Yes, farewell dear Molly we shall miss you and your documentary narration when you are far away in home sweet America


So, to show this were going to have a party with chips and lollies and cake and fizzy drink (minus cups…)


Unfortunately we let Liz eat and drink a little to much so that when Caitlin walked in she screamed ‘She’s a b***h’ at the top of her lungs about Mrs Batch.

And then Mr. van went riding toy cars around the school with a massive hot pink sticker on his forehead (Only in her head unfortunately)

And then laugh and fall around the entire bus ride home despite the strange looks she got from Grace.

After this she proceeded to steal Emily’s trumpet, fall off the bus skip down her driveway and wave arms to music/pee herself laughing at nothing/stumble home.

And then (at home) after more dinking and eating when lady gaga came on she danced around the house taking her clothes off and waving them in the air proving she is either very very drunk, beginning her career as a stripper (as if) or finally had the massive psychotic break that has been coming her whole life.

She then experienced a period of faux soberness before running into her mothers bedroom and threw herself on to her mothers bed so hard she actually hurt herself and rolled around laughing till she fell off and repeated.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

I don't get how olive oil can be a virgin.

I know some plants cross-pollinate, but that is not the same as sex. Plus - as far as I know - olives don't cross pollinate either.


I was going through my brother's student organizer..

Then a incredible force struck me and thus caused a laughing fit when I found their 'college song'. EDMUND'S TO THE FORE!!

Many years have now passed o'er us

So 'tis time to rise in chorus

For the men who went before us

Edmund's to the fore.

Men of spirit bold unjaded,

They the haunts of fame invaded;

So upon the heights they made it

Edmunds to the fore.

They were brave and famed men;

We shall be the same men!

If we fight to do the right,

Ours shall be their fame, then!

Who shall dare to stain our glory?

Who shall mock our noble story?

Let our song forevermore be,


I could just imagine my brother singing that with AMAZING enthusiasm.

There once was a boy with a thorn in his side.

He lived in a moshpit.

The moshpit was claustrophobic, noisy and dirty.

The boy met a boy who liked to play bingo.

His name was Patrick.

They became best friends.

They kissed.

The boy would whisper in Patrick's ear

"I used to waste my time dreaming of being alive, now I only waste it dreaming of you."

One day, a boy named Brendon came out from under the cork tree.

He was beautiful.

'He is beautiful.'

The boy thought.

"Come with me, young boy, to a place of freedom and tranquility."

Brendon's beautiful big eyes and his moist, pink lips beckoned him to follow.

They held hands and skipped through the moshpit and over a hill to a valley of grass, flowers, butterflies and waterfalls.

It was beautiful, sure. But the boy thought it was pretty odd.

He still wasn't used to his new found freedom, he could breathe in fresh air at last.


Brendon appeared suddenly and said,

"Don't you know who I think I am?"

The boy stared on.

Amazed by the clarity and melody of his voice.

"I am that green gentleman."

That got the boy's attention for sure.

"Y, you m, mean uh..."

He stuttered.

"The man who put that thorn there?"

Brendon laughed, pointing.

"Yes child, that very one!"

The boy frowned.

"Then why did you bring me here? I thought you hated me?"

"Well, nobody puts baby in the corner, do they?"

Brendon walked up to the boy and kissed him on the lips.

It was a cold kiss.

Patrick's was hot and sweet, but this...

This one was empty, like a dark, lonely cave.


The boy pushed him away, violently.

Brendon fell to the ground.

The boy ran.

He ran fast.

He was going to get away.

He was going to get away fast.

He got to the base of the hill when he felt a tap on his shoulder.


Three voices said in unison.

The boy slowly turned around.

He saw three boys of the same age, one wearing a rose vest and the other two in overcoats, canes and tophats.

"My name is Ryan."

"My name is Jon."

"My name is Spencer."

"We have rid the world of that green gentleman. He is in a dungeon in Chicago."

They said, once again in unison.

The boy was scared.

"It's alright, young boy."

Ryan stepped forward, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"We will show you the brighter side of this place."

Spencer and Jon stepped forward and took him around to the waterfall.

"In you go."

They pushed him through to the other side of the waterfall.

It was completely dark.

Jon walked in with a torch, illuminating the rest of the cave.

He looked around.

He saw Brendon standing, looking at him with a mischievous gleam in his eye.

The boy still couldn't get past this man's beauty, it was like he was in a trance.

He shook himself out of it and said,

"I thought you said he was in Chicago?"

"Pssh... Chicago is so two years ago!"

Spencer laughed, high-fiving Brendon.

The four of them came in on him, surrounding him.

They continued angling down on him.

Forcing him down.

Making him feel smaller, smaller...

Almost as if he was shrinking through the floor.

Tears started rolling down his face.

"No, no!!"

They just continued laughing, pushing him further down into the ground.

"What are you doing?"

The boy woke up suddenly to Patricks beaming face, shining brightly in the stage lights.

"Woah. Sorry, I must have dozed off..."

"Must have been one heck of a dream! Was it about that Ashlee girl? Wink wink!"

Patrick laughed.

"No, no... It was something really strange."

The boy said, deep in thought.

"It was like I was taken away from the moshpit and then suddenly this man in green and his strange, but very handsome, friends were pushing me into the ground..."

"Ha. You've always been a very strange boy, Pete. Don't worry about it anymore, You're back in the moshpit with me."

He smiled and put his arm around the boy.

The boy wih the thorn in his side looked around the moshpit and began dancing.

His favourite band was playing:

Calm! At the funeral.

He pecked Patrick and screamed at the top of his lungs:

"Oh dear moshpit, how I love thee!!"

They laughed.

The boy looked around, his face glowing with relief.

The crowd was filled with people in black outfits, skinny jeans, converse.

Except for one...

A man in green.

I think I was on something for that last one..

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

I don't get how olive oil can be a virgin.

I know some plants cross-pollinate, but that is not the same as sex. Plus - as far as I know - olives don't cross pollinate either.
I have thought about that many times before..

His favourite band was playing:
Calm! At the funeral.
I couldn't help but laugh at that XDD
