I *heart* Charizard!


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Well-known member
Oct 16, 2005
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On the computer...
This is how my log is gonna run. TAMAGOTCHI means what happened to my tamas, RESCUE TEAM means my Blue Rescue Team, FIRE RED means Pokemon Fire Red. SILVER/CRYSTAL/YELLOW Means, well, Pokemon Silver/Crystal/Yellow. 'Kay? Anything else, Gigapets, Neopets, etc. Will be like GIGAPET and NEOPETS. XP So... lets get started!


I don't /have/ a Tama running, I did, untill one of the kids at Daycare reset Tensi-san. How? This is how: As I walked into daycare, I placed my Beloved Kouhii(That was her nickname. Kouhii Tenshi.) in my artbox, where you store your junk. Come 9:30, AKA toys from home time, I took her out and cared for Kouhii-sama. She had evolved into Piropiroitchi. A few minutes later, a little kid asked if she could play with Kouhii. I said no... The little brat tolld on me. I growled at the teacher when they said: "We Share". So I let the kid play with Kouhii, her name is Skyla and I despise her BADLY. She's annoying, and follows me and Marika. :huh: So, I watched her, she told me to go away. I didn;t want to be in trouble, so I growled yet again and went away. When she gave me the tama back, it was an egg, about to hatch. I prayed she had just reset Kouhii and not full reset. The egg hatched a boy, and I almost cried. "NYA! WHY!?" I screamed at her. She said "What? I just pressed a button." I almost exploded with frustraition and anger. Logan and Marika gasped at the now-dead Tensi. I was too heartbroken to restart another tama-su. So... I will later this day. But it will not replace Tenshi, no siree. I hope to get a V4 soon, as I REALLY want one... X.X


May I introduce my pretty wittle pokemon? The leader of our rescue team is Cnau. He has a pretty mixed personality... he's a squirtle. I guess he'll make a pretty strong blastoise.

Next is CharCoal. He's a Charmander. He's tough and flamey, but once you get to know him, he's good. ^^

Next is Chinook-kun. He's a magnemite with no brains, but he's awfull strong.

Murky is my Murkow. He has a pretty lonely nature. He's good at attackig people, yes. But defending himself is hard...

Eli is my Elekid. XP She is hyper, very hyper. And has average stats. She gets along with the other fine. =P

Zigz is my Zigzagoon. He's really weak, but, he levels up super quickly.

WindShiftr is my Seedot. She dreams of becoming a Shirfty with powerfull winds, and has a crush on Shirfty, in town square. ^^

Ari, too, is a Aron. She dreams on becoming a huge Aggron. Has a crush on Tyranitar of Alakazam's team.

Minnie is a Minun. She's tiny, so I find myself feeding her gummies and letting her play at home. She desperately wants to prove herself to Cnau that she can go out on rescue missions.

Darki is an absol, whom saved Cnau and Charcoal from Articuno. He's... rude. And arrogant, but strong and protects his friends when he needs too.

Thats my Pokemon. I am debating hardly if Minnie shall come on rescue missions. She lives all alone in Thunder Meadow... I shall find her a friend to go with her. A sentret would be potential. Hmm.... i'll make a board on that.


This is temporary , and for a reason. Why? I borrowed it from Marvin-kun. So i can't keep it... I just have it untill I complete the game. I have a Caterpie, whom's name I forget. She's kind, and cute. And a Charmander, Flyte, whom is just like Charcoal...


Lets start with Silver. I am nearing Ecrutek City's gym, which shall be the hardest yet. My name is Riha in the game... I am saving with coins for a Dratini. (>.<) It's hard... I have 5 pokemon in my team right now, and 2 at daycare. 7 Pokemon. I need to train them all to level 28 so they can help me with Morty. They are:

My starter was Blade, whom is currently a level 28 Bayleef. Almost Meganium! *squeal* They are so awesome! He is arrogant and saurcastic, but nice at times.

Next is Darkness, my eevee and a future umbreon. I'm gonna breed it, once I catch a ditto for daycare purposes, and Darkness will have a daughter/son! Maybe I'll use the ditto on my team... yes, yes, I shall! I need another 1k in coins. That will /NOT/ take me long to get my sweet Dratini. Then Dragonair... ROAR! Dragonite. ^^

As I was saying, I also have Elwood, my purty little Sudowoodo. He's good. Just good. kind, too.

Spear is my Fearow. He's bold and brave, and will doanything to protect Riha.

Kat is my Caterpie... leve;1 4 I just caught from the bug catching contest. She'll be a butterfree. Soon!

I also have Meowth the Meowth... Yes, Team Rocket's Meowth. We all know what he's like.

And Ticky the Togepi. He's awesome... ^^ Sweet and kind.

On Pokmon Yellow, I have Sparky, my Pikachu. Whom was my starter. He's okay, but I'm no fan of Pikachu....

Quai is my Nidoqueen. She's very awesome indeed, and super strong.

F is my Charmeleon. I meant to name him Flame, but I acidentally called him F. So F is gonna be re-named Flame once I get to Lavender Town... XD

Bulil is my kawaii little Ivysaur. *swings around* He's so cute, I could eat him! (Not litteraly...)

DIGLETT is my temporary pokemon to help beat the gym leader, whom is ubber harrrdd....

And crystal was never even started in a looonnnggg time. But I'll start it when I'm ready.

So, all in all, in Yellow, I'm training them to level... 25. Yep, 25. ^^

28 for Silver,

And crystal isn't even started. =P

I'm gonna introduce my Neopets.... later. Way-way later. =P

Weell... Nothing much happened.


Nothing new, much. Exept that I am still training Darkness. I attempted to beat morty, but lost. T_T If I sell what I have, I have 6 awakenings, I can beat him easily. But it is wise to train my pokemon anyways.
