i love dis boy


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'True Love' doesn't have an age limit. You can't tell someone what they feel - if she thinks she's in love she could be as we don't know how she feels. :D
You're right... Some people actually to find true love at a young age, and soon enough, marry them.

I was just pointing out that finding true love tends to take more time and understanding. :angry:


People put an age on love because mostpeople at a young age, don't understand how

to stay together. Or it could just be a faze.

Now the funny thing about love and crushes is that

you can get confused by which one is which.


Crush- When being around him/her makes you feel

so happy and joyful! Like you would do absolutely

anything to go out with him.(Thats how a crush feels for me)

And maybe even sometimes your obsessed with him/her


Love- When he/she returns your affections of love back to you!

Just the thought of him/her makes your heart sing, makes

you want to leap up in joy and kiss and hug him forever,

When you feel like nothing could ever tare you apart, and

even if you get into fights you still love him/her dearly...

(And thats what love means to me)


Lol O.O thats how i would put love and crushes.


But anyway Miss_Roxy are you friends with him at all?

Or is he just some guy you see everyday in school?

Love doesn't mean your together.

You can love somebody, and not be together. Here's my perspective on a crush and love...

I am going to use the gender he, because this is a girl crush topic...

Crush-When you giggle about him at recess, when you think him is hot, when you always stare at him.....and you always say, "We're going to be together forever!" When you move on quickly.

Love-When you cannot stop thinking about him. And when you see him, your heart beats faster and it sings. You cry if he cries, and cry if he goes with somebody else. (Note, thats for girls 11-12) When you'll stop at nothing to be in his arms, when you love him for the longest time and can't seem to move on. You always laugh when he's around, and you only want the best for him. When he cries, you are there trying to make him laugh. When he's mad, you try to understand. When he's happy, you share the laughs.

And thats what I think love is.

Your welcome. And by the way, for my sanity and the sanity of other Tamatalkers, please stop typing in caps, and try to spell properly too. I find it really annoying when people make spelling mistakes and don't fix them.
why cant we make mistakes i dont notic mine

You're right... Some people actually to find true love at a young age, and soon enough, marry them.I was just pointing out that finding true love tends to take more time and understanding. :)

Your right it does take time, all these love topics are so confusing lol.

Personally I'd rather love someone and them to love me back, but at ages as young as 10 as such it would be hard to find you to love someone back - most people are very immature at 10 and alot of boys aren't even thinking about love at that age.

How can people put an age on love? I also love this boy and want too tell him, I'm only ten but I now this feeling is love.

same wit, mi!

i like(love) this boy, called ryan, he is nice, but suddenly he didnt talk to me, then seemed 2 like another girl (frankie!) wat do i do

be4 he liked frankie, he was calling me names (funni ones though) and showing off to mi, it wos nice, and he got my chocolate for valentines day and my b'day, he is soo sweet!

wat do i do bout frankie?! :p

same wit, mi!i like(love) this boy, called ryan, he is nice, but suddenly he didnt talk to me, then seemed 2 like another girl (frankie!) wat do i do

be4 he liked frankie, he was calling me names (funni ones though) and showing off to mi, it wos nice, and he got my chocolate for valentines day and my b'day, he is soo sweet!

wat do i do bout frankie?! :lol:
There's nothing you can do if he already likes someone else. If he isn't officially 'going out' with her you should jus let him know you like him. It sounds like he did like you if he gave you a birthday & Valentines present.

I love dis boy called Max AND I WONT US 2 B 2GETHER 4EVER IM 2 SCERD 2 TELL HIM HELP



Well if you do truely love him you would tell him! :D

Maybe its just a crush. :lol: :D

And please speek in real english if you don't mind. ;)



:huh: !Stupid! :huh:

[SIZE=11pt]Just because you think about somebody a lot doesn't mean you're like all of sudden in love with them.[/SIZE]
o.k 2day i wos being called rude names (not going to say them though) and he bashed the guy who called me the name! o.m.g! then he said he wanted to go out! so 2morro i am going to the mall with him!

thanx for the adfise baybee-x

oh, but he got introuble for bashing up someone, opppps! :)

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