I love God more then my boyfriend...


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Anime girl

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Dec 27, 2005
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In Canada~ Ruling the world. >:O
=_=" Well...Ya'see, just yesterday my boyfriend was telling me how depressed he was feeling. And how hard it's been for him.

Then I thought..."This would be the perfect time to talk about God more with him!"

(He's already a Christian. But not like...Very devoted.)

So I was telling him if he really wanted to be happy. He'd need to put his full trust in God. And he'd take care of everything.

While we were talking...He asked me the big question.

"Do you love God more then me?"

I didn't want to lie to him...So I told him that I did.

He started to get all emotional on me.

I can fully understand why. But...Man...I don't know what to do.

In some ways I guess I thought he'd understand...But I suppose not. >_<;

He started making assumptions that I didn't really love him anymore...

When that is obliviously lies. -__-

I love him dearly...! I just love God that little bit more.

My love for God is different then my love for him.

And I have no idea how to explain that to him.

And now I'm afraid it's never gonna be the same again for us.

Am I wrong for loving God more then him?

Or...Am I right? :/

Opinions are always welcome.

That is NOT unreasonable at all. o..o;

I mean, he's God.. lol! If you believe in God and trust and love him, well there ya go. I mean, what more is there to say. Of course you don't have a God fetish - that would be.. just.. wrong - but I think that's great you can honestly say that. :mellow:

IMO, you will be best off with someone that spiritually is at the same level as you. I know in any of my future romantic relationships I will but Him first and I need someone that will share the same sort of spiritual likeness as myself so we can grow together.

I can understand his point but obviously you don't love God like you love a lover - You love God for who He is - God.

Maybe he was jut having a rough day and it didn't quite click in the right you know?

No, there is nothing wrong with that at all. I believe that you are right to say that you love God more than him. :mellow:

Your boyfriend just doesn't understand. You are supposed to love God over all things, over anybody. For goodness sake's, he gave you your life!

Make sure you sit down and explain to him that your love for God is different than your love for him. You can't love your spouse and your children the same way, can you? No. You love your spouse as your spouse and your children as your children. The same goes for this situation.

I honestly wish I had the faith you have! I believe in God, though I do have my doubts. But I can't seem to put him above my friendships and my family. It's something that I'm working on, and that is going to be very hard for me.

If you just sit down and take the time to explain this to him, hopefully he'll understand. If he really does love you, he should.

If he doesn't understand, then he isn't the guy for you. You should never have to sacrifice your beliefs to please somebody else. Just be who you are, talk this through with him, and things should work out. :D

No, there is nothing wrong with that at all. I believe that you are right to say that you love God more than him. :mellow:
Your boyfriend just doesn't understand. You are supposed to love God over all things, over anybody. For goodness sake's, he gave you your life!

Make sure you sit down and explain to him that your love for God is different than your love for him. You can't love your spouse and your children the same way, can you? No. You love your spouse as your spouse and your children as your children. The same goes for this situation.

I honestly wish I had the faith you have! I believe in God, though I do have my doubts. But I can't seem to put him above my friendships and my family. It's something that I'm working on, and that is going to be very hard for me.

If you just sit down and take the time to explain this to him, hopefully he'll understand. If he really does love you, he should.

If he doesn't understand, then he isn't the guy for you. You should never have to sacrifice your beliefs to please somebody else. Just be who you are, talk this through with him, and things should work out. :D
Yes - this was worded better! I'm having a bit of a brain fart today! :D

Anyway - I concur.

how can you love god more than a person that's important to you? have you even met god before?

how can you love god more than a person that's important to you? have you even met god before?
Kay I'm gonna suggest right NOW that we keep the whole "Is god real?" aspect out of this topic. She's seeking some guidance regarding her choice and it doesn't have to turn into a debate on who believes what. There's a seperate topic for that. Go make those debating like posts in there.

Anything further will be edited or removed if this topic starts getting off course. Not going to warn twice :p

Ok. I am openly putting out there that I don't believe in God.

But if you do then that fine.

I know that believers really respect that sky.

They believe they owe their life to God and therefore besides family is the most important thing in the world.

You are only about 16 [stalker alert] and so you may immensly like your BF but its not quite love yet.

BF's come and go but [for believers] God is forever.

Tell him that you still really like him but he must understand that you love God.

Tell him to remember that you can't dump him and run off and have a fling with God, and Gods never gonna say 'Hey wanna ditch your BF and coe shopping with me?'

You get my point.

Hm, I love god, but definately not more than any of my family and friends.

I love him in his own way.

I think it's perfectly fine to love god more than you BF. Some people believe god made us, and some people believe in evolution. If you believe god made you, than you can tell him that without god, we wouldnt be here. (I personally, believe in evolution, but I in all ways respect the people that dont).

Just make sure you let him know exactly WHY you feel this way.

Hope this helps,


I love him dearly...! I just love God that little bit more.My love for God is different then my love for him.

And I have no idea how to explain that to him.

And now I'm afraid it's never gonna be the same again for us.
I'm sorry if I sound as if I am being a little rude, but if your boyfriend can't understand something as simple as the difference between romantic love for a person and religious love for a god, then perhaps there's not much future for you as a couple...?

It's clear you care about him very much so I am going to suggest that maybe he was just feeling a little down and wanted more personal attention from you - his girlfriend - instead of hearing your advice that God would make him happy.

Perhaps that is why he asked such an unreasonable question.

If he knows you as a kind, intelligent person, what kind of an answer do you think he expected from you..?

Is he the kind of person that seems to want you to focus on him and his needs all the time? I hope not, because that's not really a relationship - that's more like "ownership"... :angry:

I think you should give him the benefit of the doubt and just conclude that he was having an "off" day and that he doesn't seriously think you are required to choose between him and your god.

Talk with him further about it. I'm sure he doesn't realistically expect you to choose.

But if he does, then I think, regretfully you have to explain to him that he is going to be disappointed in every relationship he has in the future and wish him love and luck (and goodbye).

Um...I don't beleive in God.

But....Your boyfriend has to understand the different kinds of love. Like TamaMum said, romantic love and religious love is different. You can explain to him how you feel and why you answered "God" to that question.

I hope I helped....(Kind of)

Cinderpelt and tamaw/pants pretty much took the words outta my mouth...

[SIZE=13pt]Thanks for all the advice you guys...! :][/SIZE]

Luckily for me things just kinda fell back into place by it's self!


Because of my terrible explanation skills, and due to the fact that he was just really depressed that day.

It caused some confusion for him, and he thought I meant I was saying I loved "God" like another lover. (lol >.>)

So the next day he actually talked to his wrestling coach about the problem. And lucky for meee his coach is also a Christian! (Woot!?)

So his Coach pretty much explained it in a much better way to him...That I loved God like a "father". Rather then a hubby. D: I don't know ALL the details he told him. But weird enough, he's completely understanding now and is O.K. with how I feel for God and such. O_ O!!

He apologized for over reacting...But of course he did tell me that I need to learn to explain myself better. >.>

(Which I agree with. D:)

But lucky for us...Every things back to normal! ^_^


._." I was so worried...

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